Table Design

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris
  • Start date Start date


I have a table of Districts and Subdistricts as follows:
Dist Sub
CW1 101A
CW1 101B
CW1 102D
CW2 201A
CW2 201B
CW2 207C
I need a report that will show the information
horizontally instead of vertically, such as
Dist Sub
CW1 101A 101B 102D
CW2 201A 201B 207C

Can this be done?
Chris said:
I have a table of Districts and Subdistricts as follows:
Dist Sub
CW1 101A
CW1 101B
CW1 102D
CW2 201A
CW2 201B
CW2 207C
I need a report that will show the information
horizontally instead of vertically, such as
Dist Sub
CW1 101A 101B 102D
CW2 201A 201B 207C

Can this be done?

Yes, try the Crosstab Query Wizard.
Chris said:
I tried using a crosstab query, I only have 2 fields in my
table what do I use as the "value"?

the Sub field again. You have to use an aggravation function (no,
aggregate, just a joke) I suggest you use First.

The trouble with a crosstab query on a report, though, is that a
crosstab query columns vary by nature, as the data changes. Reports
cannot follow this, you have to bind specific fields to specific, well,
fields. (controls to data fields, that should be).

Maybe for this purpose it's best you use some function that creates a
string with all these Sub entries, for any Dist supplied. You then
create a query that gets all DISTINCT Dist values from the table, and
calls that function.

I should have some EnumField function (muffles somewhere in a
coffin-like toolkit) here it is

Function EnumField(rs As Recordset, FieldNo As Variant, Optional
vSeparator = vbNewLine, Optional separatorAfterLast = True) As String
'fieldno can be number or string, don't care - as long as it exists in
the recordset, of course
Dim cRes As String
On Error GoTo err_EnumField
cRes = ""
If Val(FieldNo) > 0 Then
FieldNo = Val(FieldNo)
ElseIf FieldNo = "0" Then
FieldNo = 0
End If
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do Until rs.EOF
cRes = cRes & rs(FieldNo) & vSeparator
End If
If Not separatorAfterLast Then
If cRes <> "" Then
cRes = Left(cRes, Len(cRes) - Len(vSeparator))
End If
End If
EnumField = cRes
Exit Function
Select Case Err
Case Else
Select Case Standaardfout("EnumField")
Case vbAbort
Resume exit_EnumField
Case vbRetry
Case vbIgnore
Resume Next
End Select
End Select
End Function

Function Standaardfout(Optional cFlag) As Long
'ROUTINE : Standaardfout
'PURPOSE : uniforme foutmelding geven aan de gebruiker, als ik het niet
meer weet
'INPUT : cFlag, optioneel: te vermelden volgpunt (in code opnemen, dus)
'OUTPUT : long: {vbAbort, vbRetry, vbIgnore}
Dim cMsg As String
Dim nErr As Long
Dim nRes As Long
DoCmd.Echo True
nErr = Err.number
If IsMissing(cFlag) Then
cMsg = "Fout nummer " & nErr
cMsg = "Fout nummer " & nErr & " in " & cFlag
End If
cMsg = cMsg & ".@ De beschrijving bij deze fout is:@" & Err.Description
nRes = MsgBox(cMsg, vbAbortRetryIgnore)
Standaardfout = nRes
End Function

Unfortunately the Standaardfout routine is in Dutch. Can you live with that?