Table Design - Variation on Districts/Residents/Classes/Employees

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I am a beginner at this (but am determined to break away from my one-table
duplication problems).

You've made a very good attempt, and your comments do not sound like a

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, though. Let me describe what
I'm doing from top to bottom:

I've taken the liberty of rearranging and rewording parts of your original
post, in order to put my comments in the right places.

There are "districts":
fldDistrictID (PK)

Each district contains many "residents":
fldResidentID (PK)
fldDistrictID (FK to tblDistricts)
fldClassID (FK to tblClasses)

There are various "classes", each of which is sponsored by a single
district, and has an instructor & a principle.
fldClassID (PK)
fldDistrictID (FK to tblDistricts) <- sponsoring district.
fldInstructorID (FK to tblEmployees)
fldPrincipalID (FK to tblEmployees)

The Instructors and Principals are both "employees":
fldEmployeeID (PK)

All residents go to classes. This is complicated by the fact that the
residents can be assigned to classes that belong to a different district
from the one they live in. From what I have read, I think I need some type
of intermediate table(s) between the primary "tblDISTRICTS" table and the
"tblRESIDENTS" and "tblCLASSES". (snip rest).

If a resident can go to many classes, and a class can have many residents,
this a classic many-to-many relationship between those classes & residents.
You resolve this by creating a junction table with a so-called "composite"
(multi-field) primary key. The composite primary key comprises, the primary
keys of the tables wth the M:M relationship. So:

fldClassID ( composite )
fldResidentID ( primary key )
other (non-key) attributes for *that resident* in *that class* - for
example, date enrolled.

To add a resident to a class, just create the appropriate new record in that
new table. Note that it is irrelevent what district the resident lives in
(but this could, if necessary, be obtained by looking-up that resident in
the RESIDENTS table), and also, it is irrelevent what district sponsors that
class (but that could, if necessary, be obtained by looking-up that class in
the CLASSES table).

So you were just about 99% there!

I am a beginner at this (but am determined to break away from my
one-table duplication problems). I can't figure out what I'm doing
wrong, though. Let me describe what I'm doing from top to bottom:

There are "districts":
fldDistrictID (PK)

Each district contains many "residents":
fldResidentID (PK)
fldDistrictID (FK to tblDistricts)
fldClassID (FK to tblClasses)

Each district also sponsors various "classes," and all residents go to
the "classes" which are staffed by an Instructor and a Principal.
This is complicated by the fact that the residents can be assigned to
classes that belong to a different district from the one they live in:
fldClassID (PK)
fldDistrictID (FK to tblDistricts)
fldInstructorID (FK to tblEmployees)
fldPrincipalID (FK to tblEmployees)

The Instructors and Principals are both "employees":
fldEmployeeID (PK)

From what I have read, I think I need some type of intermediate
table(s) between the primary "tblDISTRICTS" table and the
"tblRESIDENTS" and "tblCLASSES." I tried creating two more tables
between them [tblDISTRICTRESIDENT (fldDistResID-PK, fldResidentID-FK)]
and [tblDISTRICTCLASSES (fldDistClassID-PK, fldClassID-FK)], but this
doesn't work either. I must produce a report that references the
residents that live in the district; but other reports show the
worksites that are sponsored by the district.

Likewise, I tried to fix the Instructor and Principal fields (since
they both come from the tblEMPLOYEES table) in a similar manner, but
that didn't work either.

I guess I just don't "get it" yet. Either I am incorrectly
configuring the intermediate junction tables, or I need to do
something else entirely. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, glad it helped.

Before, it was: "Residents enroll in Classes". Hence the many-to-many for
residents<>classes, hence the junction table residents_classes.

Now, it is:

"One Class may have many Sessions." So there is a 1:M for class<>session.
Have a session table with PK ClassID + session DATE (for example).

Then: "Residents enroll in Sessions." So now the *explicit* many-to-many is
for residents<>sessions, not residents<>classes. Create a joining table
resident_session (or whatever) with PK = residentID + *session*ID. Now, a
resident is only enroled in a class, by virtue of being enrolled in a
*session* which belongs to that class.

Thanks for your compliment, but you will see that I truly am a
beginner as I keep going with this...

Your solution worked PERFECTLY to solve the District>Resident>Class
problem! I realize now that my previous attempts at a junction table
failed because, although I had created the third table, I was still
putting the actual resident enrollment data into the wrong tblClasses
*table* - duh! Thank you!

My next problem with this whole thing sounds truly bizarre, and may
not have a solution: Each "class" is held twice a day, 5 days per
week -- for a total of 10 different sessions (Monday morning, Monday
afternoon, Tuesday morning, Tuesday afternoon, etc.) Although each
Resident is initially assigned to all 10 sessions of one primary
class, a few of the Resident's sessions may be later re-assigned to
another class (even a class sponsored by a different home). In other
words, a Resident is PRIMARILY assigned to Class "A" and attends Class
"A" for 8 sessions, but he may attend Class "J" for the remaining two

Is my best solution to create another "Sessions" table with ten fields
(Mon_AM, Mon_PM, Tue_AM, Tue_PM, etc.) that is somehow joined with the
tblClasses table (similar to the way you showed me earlier)? If so,
would it look something like this?

fldSessionID (PK)
fldSessionName (for Mon_AM, Mon_PM, etc.)

fldSessionID (composite)
fldClassID (PK)

If this will work, how does it join back to the tblRESIDENTS_CLASSES
table, and which table do I put the actual Resident enrollment data


Should I just forget about this and do something else? Maybe I should
create ten drop-down fields for the individiual sessions in the
Residents' table that contain the class names. As the class names
change, however, that would mean modifying the drop-down options ten
different times... (Can you see that I'm reverting back to my
flat-file ways? Ha!)

Any help is appreciated! Thanks,

Thanks so much! I think that I understand it a little better now...
(the concept comes and goes. Ha!).
