Name Type Size
UnitID Long Integer 4 PK
PropertyName Text 50
BuildingName Text 50
UnitName Text 50
ManagementCompany Text 50
UnitCategory Text 50
UnitSize Text 50
UnitFloorNumber Text 10
UnitLocationInBuilding Text 25
ParkingID Long Integer 4
ParkingID2 Long Integer 4
NotaryID Long Integer 4
EvaluationReport Yes/No 1
FullInspectionReport Yes/No 1
PyriteTest Yes/No 1
Insured Yes/No 1
FaxPTPtoBrokerOrCaisse Yes/No 1
CopytoConsultant Yes/No 1
FaxtoNotaryOrMailwChq Yes/No 1
FaxLeasetoBankOrBroker Yes/No 1
NotarizedDate Date/Time 8
CommissionPaid Currency 8
IsLeased Yes/No 1
IsSold Yes/No 1
IsVacant Yes/No 1
IsReady Yes/No 1
Name Type Size
PK FK UnitID Text 4
UnitMunicipalLotNumber Text 50
UnitManagerID Long Integer 4
UnitNotaryID Long Integer 4
UnitPhoneNumber Text 14
UnitFaxNumber Text 14
UnitEmailAddress Text 50
UnitWebsiteAddress Text 50
UnitShortDescription Text 255
Name Type Size
UnitID Text 4
UnitAcquireDate Date/Time 8
UnitReservedDate Date/Time 8
UnitPromisetoPurchaseDate Date/Time 8
UnitMortgageApplicationDate Date/Time 8
UnitMortgageAcceptanceDate Date/Time 8
UnitNotarizedDate Date/Time 8
UnitRenovatedDate Date/Time 8
UnitEvaluationDate Date/Time 8
UnitFullInspectionDate Date/Time 8
UnitPyriteTestDate Date/Time 8
UnitCurrentRentalStartDate Date/Time 8
UnitCurrentRentalFinishDate Date/Time 8
Name Type Size
PK FK UnitID Text 4
UnitMonthlyRentRevenue Currency 8
UnitMonthlyParkingRevenue Currency 8
UnitTotalMonthlyIncome Currency 8
Augmentation Currency 8
UnitMonthlyRentGuaranteed Currency 8
UnitMarketValue Currency 8
UnitParkingPurchasePrice Currency 8
UnitTotalSalePrice Currency 8
DiscountOnUnitTotalPrice Currency 8
UnitCashFlow Currency 8
UnitROIPercent Double 8
UnitRedexActualSoldPrice Currency 8
Other tables include UnitProjects, UnitTasks, UnitAssignments,
UnitMultimedia etc.
Some field sizes need to be adjusted. This is a small portion of the
database ofcourse.
Regular tables also include employees locations properties buyers etc. but
this should help clarify what I meant. These are in five tables should I
leave it or put all in same table so that I can use the tab control in my
forms easily and move the fields around at will .
I would be glad to include full documentation and or Visio Database Diagrams
if anyone is intertested in helping with the architectrure. Database includes
hundreds of fields. :-]
Name Type Size
UnitID Long Integer 4 PK
PropertyName Text 50
BuildingName Text 50
UnitName Text 50
ManagementCompany Text 50
UnitCategory Text 50
UnitSize Text 50
UnitFloorNumber Text 10
UnitLocationInBuilding Text 25
ParkingID Long Integer 4
ParkingID2 Long Integer 4
NotaryID Long Integer 4
EvaluationReport Yes/No 1
FullInspectionReport Yes/No 1
PyriteTest Yes/No 1
Insured Yes/No 1
FaxPTPtoBrokerOrCaisse Yes/No 1
CopytoConsultant Yes/No 1
FaxtoNotaryOrMailwChq Yes/No 1
FaxLeasetoBankOrBroker Yes/No 1
NotarizedDate Date/Time 8
CommissionPaid Currency 8
IsLeased Yes/No 1
IsSold Yes/No 1
IsVacant Yes/No 1
IsReady Yes/No 1
Name Type Size
PK FK UnitID Text 4
UnitMunicipalLotNumber Text 50
UnitManagerID Long Integer 4
UnitNotaryID Long Integer 4
UnitPhoneNumber Text 14
UnitFaxNumber Text 14
UnitEmailAddress Text 50
UnitWebsiteAddress Text 50
UnitShortDescription Text 255
Name Type Size
UnitID Text 4
UnitAcquireDate Date/Time 8
UnitReservedDate Date/Time 8
UnitPromisetoPurchaseDate Date/Time 8
UnitMortgageApplicationDate Date/Time 8
UnitMortgageAcceptanceDate Date/Time 8
UnitNotarizedDate Date/Time 8
UnitRenovatedDate Date/Time 8
UnitEvaluationDate Date/Time 8
UnitFullInspectionDate Date/Time 8
UnitPyriteTestDate Date/Time 8
UnitCurrentRentalStartDate Date/Time 8
UnitCurrentRentalFinishDate Date/Time 8
Name Type Size
PK FK UnitID Text 4
UnitMonthlyRentRevenue Currency 8
UnitMonthlyParkingRevenue Currency 8
UnitTotalMonthlyIncome Currency 8
Augmentation Currency 8
UnitMonthlyRentGuaranteed Currency 8
UnitMarketValue Currency 8
UnitParkingPurchasePrice Currency 8
UnitTotalSalePrice Currency 8
DiscountOnUnitTotalPrice Currency 8
UnitCashFlow Currency 8
UnitROIPercent Double 8
UnitRedexActualSoldPrice Currency 8
Other tables include UnitProjects, UnitTasks, UnitAssignments,
UnitMultimedia etc.
Some field sizes need to be adjusted. This is a small portion of the
database ofcourse.
Regular tables also include employees locations properties buyers etc. but
this should help clarify what I meant. These are in five tables should I
leave it or put all in same table so that I can use the tab control in my
forms easily and move the fields around at will .
I would be glad to include full documentation and or Visio Database Diagrams
if anyone is intertested in helping with the architectrure. Database includes
hundreds of fields. :-]