Table Design for Operating Permit

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael DiCostanzo
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Michael DiCostanzo

I have a project where I need to maintain an operating permit for a
client. The permit has the following format:

Process 1 - Engines

System 1 - Emergency Power

Device D1
Conditions 1-1, 2-1

Device D2
Conditions 1-1

System 2 - Cogeneration

Device D3
Conditions 3-1, 3-2, 3-3

Device D4
Conditions 3-1, 3-2

The process and system numbers are unique. The device numbers are
also unique - i.e. there can only be one device D1.

The conditions are also unique. There can only be one condition with
the ID 3-1.

As you can see, however, a device can have multiple conditions. A
condition can also be used for multiple devices.

Unfortunately, the agency that oversees these operating permits does
not have a way to issue the permits in pieces. If I want to see all
equipment in system 2, or if I want to see all equipment that is
subject to condition 3-2, there's no easy way to view it.

The fields are all pretty much text based.

I'm looking for some input in the table design.

It seems to me that I could have the following tables and fields:

1. Process (ProcessID, ProcessDescription)

2. System (SystemID, SystemDescription)

3. Device (DeviceID, DeviceDescription)

4. Conditions (ConditionID, ConditionDescription)

All the ID fields would be the primary keys. The Description fields
would be text.

I would need a fifth table and that's the table whose design I'm
asking for help on. Would I simply create some sort of composite
table in the following format:

5. Composite (CompositeID, ProcessID, SystemID, DeviceID,

The composite ID would be the primary key and all the other fields
would be foreign keys. It seems to me that I could then create
reports and queries to display the permit in the various formats as

Thanks in advance for you help.
Michael, since no one else has stepped forward with any advice, I'll give it
a stab. It seems to me from looking over the outline at the top of your post
that you deal with "Processes," which involve one or more "Systems," which
involve one or more "Devices," which are subject to one or more
"Conditions." The first question I would ask is "Is a given System always
associated with a single Process, or can a System be associated with
multiple processes?" In other words, can System 1 - Emergency Power only be
part of Process 1, or can it also be part of some other process as well? If
a System can only be part of a single Process, then you are on the right
track with the way you have your four tables set up (but hold on -- more
about that later). If, on the other hand, a single System can be part of any
number of Processes, you would need to set up your tables thus:

1. Process (ProcessID [PK], ProcessDescription) -- holds Process

2. System (SystemID [PK], SystemDescription) -- holds System information

3. ProcessesAndSystems (ID [PK], ProcessID, SystemID) -- ties Processes and
Systems together

The same questions need to asked concerning Systems and Devices. Depending
on the answer, you table structure will either be as you described it, or it
will mirror the structure above.

Your post seems to imply that a System goes with one Process only, and a
Device goes with one system only. Let's assume that. This will be your table

1. Process (ProcessID [PK], ProcessDescription)

2. System (SystemID [PK], ProcessID, SystemDescription)

3. Device (DeviceID [PK], SystemID, DeviceDescription)

4. Conditions (ConditionID [PK], ConditionDescription)

Now here is the missing piece. Since any Device can have any condition, you
need this table:

5. DevicesAndConditions (ID [PK], DeviceID, ConditionID) -- ties Devices and
Conditions together.

Link tables (1) and (2) one-to-many, with (1) on the "one" side; tables (2)
and (3) one-to-many, with (2) on the "one" side; (3) and (5) one-to-many,
with (3) on the "one" side; and (4) and (5) one-to-many, with (4) on the
"one" side. From here you can build your queries, forms, and reports.
Based on your sample report you would want to setup up
your tables in the following manner, note: it is possible
to have a primary key consisting of multiple attributes

Process (ProcessID, ProcessDescription) primary key:
System (SystemID, SystemDescription) primary key: SystemID
Device (DeviceID, DeviceDescription) primary key: DeviceID
Conditions (ConditionID, ConditionDescription) primary
key: ConditionID
SystemProcesses (ProcessID, SystemID) primary key
(ProcessID, SystemID)
DeviceConditions (DeviceID, ConditionID) primary key
(DeviceID, ConditionID)
SystemDevices (SystemID, DeviceID) primary key (SystemID,

The following query will give you all the information you
need to know. It can be modified to give you specific
fields and conditions can be added to limit the records

SELECT ProcessID, ProcessDescription, SystemID,
SystemDescription, DeviceID, DeviceDescription,
ConditionID, ConditionDescription
FROM Process, System, Device, Conditions,
SystemProcesses, DeviceConditions, SystemDevices
WHERE Process.ProcessID=SystemProcesses.ProcessID AND
System.SystemID=SystemProcesses.SystemID AND
System.SystemID=SystemDevices.SystemID AND
Device.DeviceID=SystemDevices.DeviceID AND
Device.DeviceID=DeviceConditions.DeviceID AND