table date in richtextbox



Good day,

I am trying to create a payroll report for users in a C# richtextbox. I can
show most of the data using a stringbuilder but there is certain data I
would like placed in a table view.

Is there a sample somewhere that demonstrates how to create a simple report
easy to format at runtime?



Good day,

I am trying to create a payroll report for users in a C# richtextbox. I can
show most of the data using a stringbuilder but there is certain data I
would like placed in a table view.

Is there a sample somewhere that demonstrates how to create a simple report
easy to format at runtime?


Try Exploring Report and Table ..

Right click the project in vs, add->new item-> Report

For this report you can add a table. and display some data. This is
the simplest solution, I know.

Ofcourse you need to have a report viewer control....

The following links can help


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