Table Copy on form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Access 97
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Access 97


I have an issue with copying names of people from a table
to another. I think it should be simple but am fairly new
to this.
I have one table with peoples names and id numbers; I have
another which will allow information to be stored many
times for each person.
I would like to have a form which will allow me to pick
the person from a combo box, then their name and agent ID
field will be copied into their information table.
The issue that I have so far is that the form will put one
record in per person, however when I try to put a second
record in for that person it just brings up the the record
I inputted and overtypes it. I have tried putting a "New
Record" button in and a "Save" button, but to no
avail...... Please Please help

Thanks in advance
There is no reason to replicate information -- it takes up disk storage and
requires you to keep all instances synchronized. For example, if Jane Doe
in your first table gets a record written to your second table, you have
"Jane Doe" in two tables. If Jane changes her last name to "Smith", how
will you make sure that both your first table and your second get that
change EVERYWHERE it needs to be?

You've described a HOW. Please describe your WHAT, as in "what business
need are you trying to solve?" Leave out any preconceived notions of how
you would do that in Access -- and see what the 'group readers come up with
for alternate approaches!
Hi Jeff,

It was necessary for the interegation of data after the
file has been exported.

The error was on my part, a bit of a schoolboy error I'm
affraid, putting the command buttons on the main form
instead of the subform.

Thanks for getting back anyway.

