I have a 6 tables all of which are sub tables of a bigger table, i.e.
1 goes into 2, 2 into 3, 3 into 4, etc down to 6, basically it's a
heirarchy of tables. Now I created a form where I can see all these
tables which I did through list boxes; when I click the first table
list box the selection that I picked in that listbox (table 1) brings
up the selections in list box 2 that pertain to table 1, and that goes
into listboxs for the rest of the tables. Now how can I can input new
data into table 5, in the form, and it save to table 5 and it being
under the correct data point in 4? Does this make sense?
1 goes into 2, 2 into 3, 3 into 4, etc down to 6, basically it's a
heirarchy of tables. Now I created a form where I can see all these
tables which I did through list boxes; when I click the first table
list box the selection that I picked in that listbox (table 1) brings
up the selections in list box 2 that pertain to table 1, and that goes
into listboxs for the rest of the tables. Now how can I can input new
data into table 5, in the form, and it save to table 5 and it being
under the correct data point in 4? Does this make sense?