Craig Ugoretz
This is maybe hard to explain, but I have table relationships in mind such as
one-to-one or one-to-many between tables in my database. I enter the
relationships in the table relationships window, but I notice in certain
instances I can not create relationships between tables uinless I create
copies of tables. After I create the copies, exit the table relationships
window, and come back, tables and/or relationships disappear, or extra
relationships appear. This appears very weird. Futhermore, if I delete all
the tables in the window and start over with displaying new tables, the
relationsiphs previously entered between the tables come back. That too is
weird, in my opinion. I would like things to "stay put".
one-to-one or one-to-many between tables in my database. I enter the
relationships in the table relationships window, but I notice in certain
instances I can not create relationships between tables uinless I create
copies of tables. After I create the copies, exit the table relationships
window, and come back, tables and/or relationships disappear, or extra
relationships appear. This appears very weird. Futhermore, if I delete all
the tables in the window and start over with displaying new tables, the
relationsiphs previously entered between the tables come back. That too is
weird, in my opinion. I would like things to "stay put".