TabControl.TabPageCollection property "Item" missing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joseph Crum
  • Start date Start date

Joseph Crum

I am developing a form which uses a TabControl. I want
the code to be able to detect which TabPage is currently
active. The documentation indicates that the
TabPageCollection should have an "Item" property which I
think may be the way to do this, but the "Item" property
doesn't show up on this object in intellisense, and it
gives me an error on compile. The error is:
"System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.TabPageCollection' does
not contain a definition for 'Item'"

Any ideas?
Check out the TabControl.SelectedTab property....if you have the local
variable for each page defined then

If tacMyTabControl.SelectedTab is tpgPageOne Then
'//do page one handling
ElseIf tacMyTabControlSelectedTab is tpgPageTwo Then
'//do page two handling
End If

and so on....
Something is wrong with your system
TabPageCollection.Item does indeed exist and it works just fine
