I have a POC table with name, office, phone, e-mail, etc. Then I have a
table where the POC can input the effort they are working on with impact,
update, etc. Next I have a table with initiatives and concepts for the POC
to select that correspond to their effort. My thought process is to have a
tab for POC, tab for effort, tab for each of the concepts with the initatives
that they can check. With each tab corresponding to it's related table. I'm
guessing I'm trying to do more than what access off my limited skills can
We'll be glad to try to help!
Jargon question (which may not be relevant): what's POC?
Stop thinking about the Form for a moment. The form *is secondary*. Designing
your tables to fit the form, as I suggested, is a bad way to go. The Tables
should be based, not on the appearance of the form, but on the logical
relationships for the data.
What are the Entities - real-life things, persons or events - of importance
here? People, clearly, is one, so you should have a People table with fields
for PersonID, LastName, FirstName, contact information. It seems that an
"effort" is some sort of entity, as is an "initiative" and a "concept". If
each person can be involved with (say) multiple concepts, and each concept can
relate to many people, then you would NOT want a table with a checkbox for
each concept; instead you would have three tables:
PersonID <primary key>
ConceptID <primary key>
ConceptDescription <text>
<other fields about the concept as a concept>
PersonID <link to People>
ConceptID <link to Concepts>
<other fields concerned with THIS person's involvement with THIS concept>
Rather than multiple field for concepts, you would have multiple records in
the PeopleConcepts table.