Tabbed Forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michelle
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I have 2 questions relating to tabbed forms:
1. I did find some code for tabbed forms. I copied them to Visual Basic.
But, how do I get the Visual basic project to open into the Power Point
Project? Also, how do I modify the wording on the tabs? And other

2. The code that I found for the tabbed form is not completely what I'm
looking for. Can someone point me in the right direction for some different
tabbed forms?

Michelle said:
I have 2 questions relating to tabbed forms:
1. I did find some code for tabbed forms. I copied them to Visual Basic.
But, how do I get the Visual basic project to open into the Power Point

You don't.

You start by creating a new file in PPT or opening an existing project, going
to the VBA editor (Alt+F11) and either adding a module or opening an existing
one. Copy/paste in the code.

Or if the code's in .bas modules, you can rightclick on the project in the left
pane and choose Import to bring in the module.

If the code's in a form, you'll probably have to re-create the form in VBA in
PPT (though you can copy/paste in the code from the existing form).
Also, how do I modify the wording on the tabs?

Rightclick on the tab and choose Rename.
And other

Um. Do other stuff.
Let's try to narrow it down a little. ;-)
2. The code that I found for the tabbed form is not completely what I'm
looking for. Can someone point me in the right direction for some different
tabbed forms?

See above. You're asking for a roadmap but haven't told us where you want to
Sorry Steve, I'm new at using PP and new at using the message boards! I have
Microsoft Office 2007. I am trying to do the following:

Insert a Tabbed Form with multiple Tabs (not just 2)
Change the Font
Change the Tab Color.
Tabs be Vertical instead of Horizontal.

I have been to >Developer>More Controls>VideoSoft IndexTab. It won't let me
create new tabs but will let me change the color of the Tabs.
I have been to >Developer>More Controls>Microsoft Forms 2.0 Tab Strips.
This will allow me to change the Font and install multiple tabs, but not
change the Tab Color (just the font color).
I have been to >Developer>More Controls>Microsoft TabStrip Control with the
same results as above.....

My "Format Control" will not let me change to Transparent (as stated
elsewhere in the Discussions: Insert a Colored Box behind the Tabbed Form and
change the Transparency under Fill Color ).

Okay. I think that's it. :-)

Thanks for putting up with me "newbie" questions!

When I try that it has an error message: "License Information for this
component not found. You do not have an appropriate license to use this
functionality in the design environment". What does that mean? I do have a
license to use the software that I purchased. I'll try that question on a
different forum!

At any rate, when I get THAT part up to par, I'll then be able to do it.

Thanks Chirag!
Hi Michelle,

Look at >Developer>More Controls>Microsoft Tabbed Dialog Control. I had a
quick look at it and it seems to meet all 4 of your requirements.

Hi Chirag; I had a quick look too and found nothing to look at ;-)

Apparently this control isn't part of the set installed with Office 2007.
Sorry Steve, I'm new at using PP and new at using the message boards!

No problem.
I have
Microsoft Office 2007.

Insert a Tabbed Form with multiple Tabs (not just 2)

I'd use the built-in control on a form. If you don't already have a form you're
working on, choose Insert, Form to create one.

If you don't already see the standard VB controls toolbox, choose View then click
Toolbox on the dropdown menu. Use the toolbox to add a multipage control.

Rightclick the control to change the text on the tabs (rename) or add new tabs.
Change the Font
Change the Tab Color.

Not sure you can do this for each tab, but you can change the color and font of the
"page" the tabl relates to by setting a background picture.
Tabs be Vertical instead of Horizontal.

Select the multipage control rather than any individual page and change the
TabOrientation property.

I have been to >Developer>More Controls>VideoSoft IndexTab.

This area lists all the controls on your system, from all vendors. Many of them are
not intended for use in PPT and/or are not licensed for use by other developers.
I'd avoid them unless you know that they're really intended for developer use.

In your reply to Chirag's suggestion, you said:
When I try that it has an error message: "License Information for this
component not found. You do not have an appropriate license to use this
functionality in the design environment". What does that mean?

That's an example of what I meant above ... some program or other has installed this
control for its own purposes but you apparently don't own the development tool that
includes a license to *use* the control in your own projects.

Given the limitations of the existing controls, you might want to create your own
pseudo-control using several frames and command buttons.