TAB question.

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I have a (forms) datagrid. I have three other controls which I overlay
on top of the grid (positioned over individual cells as the user
navigates from row to row).

When the user TABs from a column without an overlayed control, to one
with such a control, I need to handle the TAB programmatically (and
vis-versa when tabbing out of the overlay back to the underlying

I issue the necessary ctrl-tab keystroke followed by one or more TAB
keystrokes (depending on which overlayed control is to receive focus).

This seems to work OK, if a little clunky. I have two questions.

1) Is there an article on tabbing out of columns in a datagrid to
another control and back again (to the appropriate column within the

2) My routine falls on it's face when I try to Shift-Tab (backwards
TAB). I can't seem to find a way to detect this. I have tried various
KeyPress events (at form level and control level). While these detect
normal keystrokes OK, they don't seem to detect TAB or Shift-TAB key
strokes. I assume these are intercepted somewhere prior to the events
I am using. Does somebody have any advice on this?

Thanks for reading my rather long-winded post. :-)


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Beneath the vast indifference of heaven

- Warren Zevon