Tab location



Hi, I've got a spreadsheet with 20+ tabs that need to be frequently
referenced, and scrolling left and right to find them is a pain. It
would be nice if there were a way to have the tabs stack on the left
or right of the document. It would take up more screen space, but be
much easier to find the proper tab.

Anyone know if anything like this exists, either natively or via an
add in?




If you right click on the arrows in the bottom left hand cornner where the
arrows are thaty you are using to scroll there will be a pop up of sheet names

Hope this helps

Mike Middleton

Myron -

Note the four arrows to the left of the worksheet tabs. If you right-click
in that area on any one of the arrows, you'll get a list of the worksheets.

- Mike


I hear you, and thanks, but that popup list still only shows a dozen
or so tabs, then it takes another click to open the complete tab list
window, then some scrolling to get to the tab I want... well, you see
where I'm going... :) More work than scrolling.

Sounds like there's nothing available...

I sure would use it if there were, though... :)


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