I have a form ([Maintain CARS]) with a control form ([cntForm]) that has 5
tabs. I want to have an on_click call to a Module on each of the tabs. When
I place the command "=MessageMaintainCARS()" in the onclick event of each of
the Tabs and open the form and click nothing happens. What am I missing?
If you are using a tab control with 5 tabs then:
How about using the After_update event of the tab control and determining
which tab is choosen by the value of the tab control.
Thanks for the reply. I stumbled upon that after I made this post. Now I
have a followup. I use the following Fucntion to display a message box on
the main form if the selected tab-Sub-form is empty. It works if I'm logged
in with access level 1, but if I'm logged in with 2 or > then nothing. I
watch the process blow right past the " If IsNull(Forms![MAINTAIN
CAR]![cntPAActions].Form![INV_RPT_ACTION]) Then" statement and go the the
"Else" part. Previously I had used this code to lock the user's rights on
the form.
'This procedure checks the users access level as
'defined in the "tblPasswordTable" table. The Main Menu
If Forms![Main Menu]![AccessLevel] > 1 Then
frmFormName.AllowAdditions = False
frmFormName.AllowDeletions = False
frmFormName.AllowEdits = False
End If
Function MessageMaintainCARS()
On Error GoTo Err_MessageMaintainCAR
'Name: MessageMaintainCARS
'Purpose: This function is used to display a message when no record shows in
' the related sub-form.
'Author: Chris Premo
'Date: October 23, 2009
'Called by: This function is called by the "On Change" event of the "cntForm"
' Tab Control form on the "Maintain CARS" form
'This procedure enables a message for users not able to edit the data.
'The message tells the user that no sub-form record exists for the
current case.
If Forms![Main Menu]![AccessLevel] > 1 Then
'Control number for cmdPAAcction
If Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]!cntForm.Pages(0).Visible = True And
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]!cntForm.Value = 0 Then
If IsNull(Forms![MAINTAIN
CAR]![cntPAActions].Form![INV_RPT_ACTION]) Then
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Visible = True
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Caption = "No PA Action
Record Exists for this Case!"
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Visible = False
End If
'Control number for cmdSearchWarrant
ElseIf Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]!cntForm.Pages(1).Visible = True And
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]!cntForm.Value = 1 Then
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![cntWarrants].Visible = True
If IsNull(Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![cntWarrants]) Then
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Visible = True
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Caption = "No Search Warrant
Record Exists for this Case!"
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Visible = False
End If
'Control number for cmdViolations
ElseIf Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]!cntForm.Pages(2).Visible = True And
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]!cntForm.Value = 2 Then
If IsNull(Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![cntViolations].Form![VIOL_CD])
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Visible = True
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Caption = "No Violation
Record Exists for this Case!"
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Visible = False
End If
'Control number for cmdArrests
ElseIf Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]!cntForm.Pages(3).Visible = True And
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]!cntForm.Value = 3 Then
If IsNull(Forms![MAINTAIN
CAR]![cntArrests].Form![cARREST_SURREND]) Then
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Visible = True
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Caption = "No Arrest Record
Exists for this Case!"
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Visible = False
End If
'Control number for cmdDisposition
ElseIf Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]!cntForm.Pages(4).Visible = True And
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]!cntForm.Value = 4 Then
If IsNull(Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![cntDisposition].Form![disp_cd
lookup]) Then
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Visible = True
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Caption = "No Disposition
Record Exists for this Case!"
Forms![MAINTAIN CAR]![ErrorMsg].Visible = False
End If
End If
End If