Tab Control without tab section

  • Thread starter Thread starter Goh
  • Start date Start date



Any component that work like Tab but without the all the tabs for
user to click from one view to another view. we will programmatically other
button to perform tabs view change from one to another.

hope that you guy understand what I trying to explain. I need this
because currently I using the Navigation Pane like outlook for my interface.
I think to made when user click on the navigation pane button then right
hand side pane will change to the view accordingly. I know that panel are
able to done that also, but it's very unmanaged able. when programmatically
visible and invisible those panel all the time.

Thanks for any advice in this issue.

With regards,
Any component that work like Tab but without the all the tabs for
user to click from one view to another view. we will programmatically other
button to perform tabs view change from one to another.

If you don't need the tabs then don't use a TabControl
hope that you guy understand what I trying to explain. I need this
because currently I using the Navigation Pane like outlook for my interface.
I think to made when user click on the navigation pane button then right
hand side pane will change to the view accordingly. I know that panel are
able to done that also, but it's very unmanaged able. when programmatically
visible and invisible those panel all the time.

You don't need to show/hide them all the time. Since they are all on top of
each other and only one of them can be visible at a time, simply call
BringToFront() on the panel that you want to show and it will appear,
making all the other ones disapear behind it.
I would have just wrapped those components in a single container that
handles displaying of only one at a time. It could then listen for the
VisibleChanged event on all its child controls and upon one child being
made visible it hides the currently visible child control (if one is
Hi Goh,

Thank you for posting.

I think the simplest method is to put those controls on several panels.
Then you may decide which panel is visible when users click on the
navigation pane button on your form.

You could write a method with a parameter to control which panel is
visible. The parameter may be a custom enumerate value. Each value of the
enumerate is corresponding to one panel.

Hope this helps.
If you have anything unclear, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

When responding to posts,please "Reply to Group" via
your newsreader so that others may learn and benefit
from your issue.
Hi Linda,

I found Multiview in ASP.Net, why Win Form dun have multiview? It work
similiar with what I want. Any way using MultiView in Windows Application,
can it be converted.

With regards,
Hi Goh,

Thank you for your response.

The MultiView is a web UI control and designed to use in web pages.
Unfortunately, there isn't a corresponding control in Windows forms.

If you hope that such a control is available in Windows forms, you could go
to MSDN Product Feedback Center to make a suggestion on the
issue. The following is the link:

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

When responding to posts,please "Reply to Group" via
your newsreader so that others may learn and benefit
from your issue.