The Click event of the *page* won't fire when you click the border,
whether the tab control is transparent or not. But the Click event of
the *tab control itself* does fire when you click the border, even if
the tab's BackStyle is Transparent.
The various participants in this thread seem to be talking somewhat at
cross-purposes. There are three "click event" issues being discussed, I
1. When does the Click event of a tab control fire? Answer: when
you click the border of the tab control, but no when you click the tabs
themselves or the body of a tab page.
2. When does the Click event of a tab page fire? Answer: when you
click the body of the page, provided the tab's BackStyle property isn't
set to Transparent. (I didn't know that about the Back Style before --
thanks, Rick.)
3. When does the Click event of one of those little tabs fire?
Answer: never, because there is no such event. However, if clicking
that tab causes the tab control to change pages, the tab control's
Change event will fire.
Related followup questions, not about a Click event per se:
4. How do you know when a tab control changes pages? Answer: the
Change event of the tab control will fire. This will happen if the page
changes for whatever reason, even if it isn't in response to the user
clicking on a tab.
5. How do you know what page a tab control is currently displaying?
Answer: the Value property of the tab control is the PageIndex of the
page currently on view.
Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP
(please reply to the newsgroup)