I did a "bound object frame" and "inserted a .jpg file
using "new", then "browse" to locate the .jpg file.
After clicking "ok" from the "Insert object" pop-up, the
only thing that appeared in the bound object frame was
the name of the .jpg. Why didn't the actual .jpg appear?
I realize that some of this must be due to the fact that
the .jpg isn't "embedded" in the file, but is there any
Linking gives the same result, no photo unless you double
click on the file name or icon.
If the only way to actually view the .jpg is to embed,
which makes the file bigger, then what is the purpose of
having the other options? Most of the "How To" books out
on ACCESS 2002 glide over the "bound object" and "insert
object" features.
The limitation of embedding is that if there is a change
in the file embedded, it then becomes necessary to
constantly update, which defeats the purpose of what I
need to do.
Thanks. Good luck.
using "new", then "browse" to locate the .jpg file.
After clicking "ok" from the "Insert object" pop-up, the
only thing that appeared in the bound object frame was
the name of the .jpg. Why didn't the actual .jpg appear?
I realize that some of this must be due to the fact that
the .jpg isn't "embedded" in the file, but is there any
Linking gives the same result, no photo unless you double
click on the file name or icon.
If the only way to actually view the .jpg is to embed,
which makes the file bigger, then what is the purpose of
having the other options? Most of the "How To" books out
on ACCESS 2002 glide over the "bound object" and "insert
object" features.
The limitation of embedding is that if there is a change
in the file embedded, it then becomes necessary to
constantly update, which defeats the purpose of what I
need to do.
Thanks. Good luck.