Tab Control and Subform



Is it possible for us to assign different subforms to
different tabs in a Tab Control ?

I have tried to put a subform in one of the tab but the
subform appears when I select the other one.

Is there any suggestion ?


Hi Mary,

Yes, it is possible. I suspect that you inserted your subform *behind* the
tab control, not on one of the tab control pages. Try moving your tab control
in form design view. Does your subform now show up with the tab control moved?

If you are okay using VBA code, you might want to look into loading the
various subforms only "on-demand", using unbound subform controls. This way,
your main form will open a lot faster, since it won't incure a time penalty
to load all subforms when you might not even be interested in looking at the
data on a particular tab. To do this, follow the instructions shown here,
after you fix the initial problem you mentioned:

Tip #10: Late Bind Subforms on Tab Controls



Is it possible for us to assign different subforms to
different tabs in a Tab Control ?

I have tried to put a subform in one of the tab but the
subform appears when I select the other one.

Is there any suggestion ?

John Vinson

Is it possible for us to assign different subforms to
different tabs in a Tab Control ?

I have tried to put a subform in one of the tab but the
subform appears when I select the other one.

Is there any suggestion ?

If you just drag the subform onto the tab page, it stays on the form
itself, in *front* of the tab page, not on it. Try moving the tab page
- you'll see that the subform doesn't move with it.

To actually put it *on* the page, select the Subform control; type
Ctrl-X to cut it to the clipboard; select the *tab* of the tab page
(not the surface, but the tab; the surface should darken to indicate
that it's been selected) and type Ctrl-V to paste it onto the page.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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