T.Valko function

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve
  • Start date Start date


Back in January I'd posted looking for some help on a function, and T.Valko
helped, solving my issue.
In using the function, I've run across something I was not expecting, and
need to now solve that.

The original post was:

The problem that I've now recognized is that if there is a blank cell in my
data on my source sheet, the first equation from the excel sheet provided
will result in there being a false positive.
I.e., it will show the count for all cells that are blank.
In my initial function I'm checking to see how many names are missing, if
As there'd normally have SOME value, regardless, I need to ignore blanks,
and the placement of the blanks is not predictable, or standardized.
Try these...

For the count of misssing names:


To list those missing names (array entered):

Hi Biff,
Thank you for your reply, and willingness to pick this up again. I had
thought it was working great until this anomaly.... Turns out now we have
more than a handful of these files with blanks in my data set, so I want to
rectify it.

Ok, tried the addition of the countblank in the first equation. I get a
twofold response-- on one data set it works great (names), but with the other
(numeric values), it still shows blank cells-- a numeric value. In this
specific case-- 41.
I did a run through with the equation evaluator, and think that I'm
following the logic ok. Think being the keyword.

Match runs through and returns ALL N/A#'s. ISNA then returns ALL True's.
Sumproduct then returns 347-- the total count of the true responses from
Countblank then shows 306, leaving 41.
However, all of my other tools show that all my data is accounted for. (I
have a primary set of sumproduct eq'n's that do a numeric tally of the
dataset's numeric side. They have two criteria to check, and then sum a
third. Something Harlan Grove helped with back in '06.)

In fact, in the data set that is working fine (names), the values with the
first eq'n goes to zero.

While I'm still trying to run through the equation evaluator with the second
equation, I just realized something.
The dataset that this new function does work with is all a text string--
names, etc....
The second dataset that the eq'n returns an erroneous response, is all 5
digit numbers. I'd faced this in the beginning with what Harlan Grove had
explained on the sumproduct, and he provided a datatype nullifier to nullify
the possible datatype variances/conflicts from one worksheet to another.
As such, because the function is doing what I'd described above, I'm now
wondering if this is my issue-- datatype conflicts?
If so, how can I nullify the datatype with these functions?

In my 2 criteria sumproducts, I used &"" (a single ampersand and two double
quotes) to nulify this specific dataset. Would I do the same here?

e.g. =sumproduct((ShtNm!RngA&""=RngA_1&"")*(ShtNm!RngB=RngB_1)*(SumRng))

If so, what location in the equation would they be placed?

Again, thank you for your time.
It sounds like these 5 digits numbers might actually be TEXT strings.
Numeric data like serial numbers, invoice numbers, etc. that start with
leading zeros almost always cause problems if you're not careful.
e.g. =sumproduct((ShtNm!RngA&""=RngA_1&"")*(ShtNm!RngB=RngB_1)*(SumRng))

In that formula, what you're doing is concatenating an empty TEXT string to
the end of the value:


So, if cell_ref = numeric 10, then cell_ref&"" = TEXT string 10. Numeric
numbers and text numbers aren't equal when evaluated in most functions.
Numeric 10 <> text 10. Notable exceptions are COUNTIF and SUMIF. They treat
numeric numbers and text numbers as being equal. Numeric 10 = text 10.

Also, if cell_ref is an empty cell then cell_ref&"" might cause problems if
you forget to account for it.





As you can see that is obviously not the result you expect.

See if this info helps. If not, then I might need to actually see the data
for myself to see what's causing the problem.
Morning again Biff.
Hope your weekend was a good one. Mine was a 3 day-er due to a furlough
policy put in place to save money and keep everyone working... so far it's
helped, and the money lost is offset by enjoying extra time off.

Ok, back to it... I did try the &"" addition, and found a couple of things.
1- if I placed too many of them, it simply killed the Match, and ISNA
elements of the equation. The ISNA got killed because no true responses were
returned. And the Match only partially worked, and became a complex variable
at that point. As the point of match is to either find an exact match, or
fail, and when fail is returned, it provides the N/A# response, it appears to
have been nullified, because, as you said-- the numeric 10 != the text 10.

2- I wound up getting a -306 (the answer of the countblank).

I then kept reducing the &"" applications until I came to a single set for


=IF(ROWS(L$5:L5)>L$3,"All Permits Acct'd

For the present, this appears to work. However, I have only tested it on one
workbook with a single data set. Although, this particular dataset is one of
the most complicated datasets we possess, so it seems to be a good test set.

Your recognition of the 5 digit #'s being or acting like a text string is
what precipitated the use of the &"" in the first place. We'd found numerous
files and data sets in the beginning were responding oddly when we used the
sumproduct as referenced last week, and this (&"") was Harlan's fix for it.
The sumproduct has worked famously ever since, without fail- in my specific
We found that the &"" appeared to act as a datatype nullifier to kill any
datatype property that would prevent the sumproduct from recognizing two
identical numbers of a differing datatype.

As I read your previous post, and worked through the equation evaluator, it
dawned on me the datatype variance might be my issue.

Oh, and we never use leading zeroes. While there are datasets with them,
we've worked out the code for stripping them when recognizing the data.
Specifically because of the point you raised regardng them.

If I find that any issues arise from the use of the &"" in this equation
system you provided, I'll be back, and we can go at it again-- this time
providing you a data set.

again, thank you for your helps, and time.