t/s printing

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Have set up 5 staff to use t/s from home, 3 can print to there local printers(hp870cxi deskjets & another deskjet) with no problem - t/s recognised local printers straight away.However, 2 other people including me can't print to local printers.Mine is a HP3820 the other user is using HP3200

I did see the article 302361 about editing the registry, which i did on mine, but made no difference......any other ideas

ts printing is difficult at best without some third party software. however
if you follow a few rules you can get it going mostly....

1/. use printers with parallel ports. ts dosnt support usb (as far as i
2/. if using printers not on the terminal servers list of supported
printers. install an older microsoft driver on the client pc that termianl
server does support IE a hp3200 and 3820 are not on the win2000 list of
supported drivers so install an hp6p driver or something similar. you may
loose some funtionality, but allest you dont have to buy a different printer
or some third party ts printing software.


matt dailey said:

Have set up 5 staff to use t/s from home, 3 can print to there local
printers(hp870cxi deskjets & another deskjet) with no problem - t/s
recognised local printers straight away.However, 2 other people including me
can't print to local printers.Mine is a HP3820 the other user is using
I did see the article 302361 about editing the registry, which i did on
mine, but made no difference......any other ideas?
I've acouple of comments on the prvious content:

1. TS *does* support USB printers, and has done so from Windows
2000! Sometimes you have to make a change in the registry, when
the (often multi-function) printer creates a DOT4 port. This has
nothing to do with lacking support for USB!

302361 - Printers That Use Ports That Do Not Begin With COM, LPT,
or USB Are Not Redirected in a Remote Desktop or Terminal Services

2. In stead of downgrading the locally installed driver, the
recommend standard procedure to make this work is to map the
clients driver onto a native driver on the server.

239088 - Windows 2000 Terminal Services Server Logs Events 1111,
1105, and