I have recently upgrade W98 to W2000. Following the
upgrade I began having problems with my DSL service
through Earthlink. Whenever I contect to the router I
automatically get a system shutdown in 60 seconds. the
Error message reads "System Shutdow initated by NT
Authority\System" it goes on to read C:WINNT\Sys32
\lsass.exe terminated unexpectedly with status code 128.
Please help. I can only get online through dial up and I
am spending money on DSL service that I seemingly can't
upgrade I began having problems with my DSL service
through Earthlink. Whenever I contect to the router I
automatically get a system shutdown in 60 seconds. the
Error message reads "System Shutdow initated by NT
Authority\System" it goes on to read C:WINNT\Sys32
\lsass.exe terminated unexpectedly with status code 128.
Please help. I can only get online through dial up and I
am spending money on DSL service that I seemingly can't