Wesley Vogel said:
Seems to be related to EMC storage.
[[any connection to EMC² ??
I found the same strange file in my profiles - but only on EMC² connected
machines. ]]
[[I am also experiencing a similar problem with this systraylog.txt file. We
are running Windows XP workstations connecting to EMC storage. Could you
please expand on what EMC have confirmed to you about this problem.]]
Hope this helps. Let us know.
lcharles said:
I was wondering if anyone can help me, I just notice a file on the
root of c call systraylog.txt. What is a systraylog, and what is the
purpose of the log
I am experiencing the same on a windows 2003 server connected to an EMC san.
The file is in c:\Documents and Settings\%username% and is hundreds of
Megabytes large. I have one server at which it stopped the day before
yesterday. At that day i upgraded the QLogic HBA drivers from to and EMC powerpath software from 3.05 to 4.3.1. The log is not
filling up anymore on this server. Are any of you running powerpath software
or using qlogic drivers ?