SystemTray Balloon Window suppressed with fullscreen apps?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Terry
  • Start date Start date


I read that the system tray balloon window will be suppressed when
there's a fullscreen app running like a game or PowerPoint presentation.
I've personally verified this behavior, but it doesn't seem to be
smart enough to know that the task bar is on a second monitor. It just
seems to check that a fullscreen app is running "somewhwere" and
supresses the balloon notification.

How do I suppress this behavior? I want the balloon windows to show
whether there's a fullscreen app running or not.

I'm using the NotifyIconEx C# control posted on CodeProject. It's pretty
much a C# wrapper for the Shell_NotifyIcon() API call. I've looked at
the common controls docs in MSDN and didn't see any flags or options in
the NOTIFYICONDATA structure that would imply I could control that

Any ideas? Or am I stuck with the default behavior?
