In using Systemsuite Vsn 7 on my XP computer to scan & detect viruses,
I learned after scanning that I had a trojan virus that Systemsuite
could not remove. The program then linked me to another program
offered by Trend Micro to delete the virus.
The name of the Trojan is: TROJ_HIDEWND.A
...all information, opinions, etc. welcomed!
"So, you didn¢t patch the system and it got hacked. What to do? Well, let¢s
see: ..."
"The only way to clean a compromised system is to flatten and rebuild.
That¢s right. If you have a system that has been completely compromised,
the only thing you can do is to flatten the system (reformat the system
disk) and rebuild it from scratch (re-install Windows and your
If reformating of HDD is not an option for you then
download David H. Lipman's MULTI_AV.EXE from the URL:
The web site is in German but the MULTI_AV scanning tool is in English.
Anyway, go down to near of the bottom of the page and you'll see a box
titled "Infos Zum Download - Multi-AV Scanning Tool". You'll see: Download
von www and the link to download:
Once you've clicked this link, it will bring to:
You will have to wait for a few seconds or so and the 'Download file'
window should appear - just follow the prompts to download Multi_AV.exe
If however the 'Download file' window does not appear don't panic, don't
click, don't do anything, just look for:
Der Download started in wenigen Sekunden automatisch.
Fall nicht, klicken Sie bitte -hier-.
Translated to English:
The download process is going to start in a few seconds.
If not, click -here-.
This should be pretty self-explanatory.
Additional Instructions:
Ignore the links displayed within this site as they are not valid anymore
and have not yet been updated to current status.
Still no luck? Go to:
Read, comprehend and implement.
Good luck