Hello! I built my system about a year and a half ago, and things have been running relatively smoothly, until recently. It has been taking Vista a very long time, and many attempts by me at rebooting to get going. Yesterday, I was working for at least 2 hours trying to get the thing to boot. Finally, I just turned it loose for 30 minutes and came back, thankfully, to the login screen. It had been freezing up at the loading bar every other time. It ran just fine after that.
Today, I woke up, and went ahead and started booting. It went right through the loading, and to the login. "Too easy" I thought. I was right. I logged in, and WHAM, BSOD. I've been searching on my laptop, rebooting, and booting into safe mode all morning. Thank god I have this laptop, otherwise, I'd be stuck. Here are the details I took down from the BSOD:
STOP: 0x0000003B
(0x00000000C0000005, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFA600AE9CEE0, 0x0000000000000000)
I noticed that in the tiny amount of time I had before the BSOD, it said that the Audio Device was not Installed, and the Audio Service is Not Running. I do have my headphones plugged in. I popped them out and plugged in my speakers, thinking *maybe* they were the problem with that, but no dice. (This is in safe and normal mode)
Thanks for reading! If you need more details, please let me know!
System specs: 150 GB harddrive (I have 4 gigs left... A 1TB should be here today or tomorrow)
4GB RAM (2x2 sticks)
8800GT graphics card
Q6600 CPU
Vista 64bit Ultimate
Post Originated from http://www.VistaForums.com Vista Support Forums
Today, I woke up, and went ahead and started booting. It went right through the loading, and to the login. "Too easy" I thought. I was right. I logged in, and WHAM, BSOD. I've been searching on my laptop, rebooting, and booting into safe mode all morning. Thank god I have this laptop, otherwise, I'd be stuck. Here are the details I took down from the BSOD:
STOP: 0x0000003B
(0x00000000C0000005, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFA600AE9CEE0, 0x0000000000000000)
I noticed that in the tiny amount of time I had before the BSOD, it said that the Audio Device was not Installed, and the Audio Service is Not Running. I do have my headphones plugged in. I popped them out and plugged in my speakers, thinking *maybe* they were the problem with that, but no dice. (This is in safe and normal mode)
Thanks for reading! If you need more details, please let me know!
System specs: 150 GB harddrive (I have 4 gigs left... A 1TB should be here today or tomorrow)
4GB RAM (2x2 sticks)
8800GT graphics card
Q6600 CPU
Vista 64bit Ultimate
Post Originated from http://www.VistaForums.com Vista Support Forums