Paul Speller
My Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 computer is suffering the problem described here:
which means my system won't boot up at all.
I'm sure it's the hard disk containing Vista which has the problem. I do
have an XP installation on another disk if that is of any help by the way.
Anyway, I applied for the hotfix on that Knowledge Base article, where it
says "Apply this hotfix only to systems that are experiencing this specific
problem". Naturally I therefore assumed the hotfix would be usable by systems
experiencing the problem, e.g. by providing a bootable CD image that you
could boot up from in order to fix the $TxfLog file or whatever.
But no, when I downloaded the hotfix, I find I just have a single file,
Windows6.0-KB946084-x86.msu, which is apparently a sort of standalone Windows
Update file for use from within Vista. There is no documentation nor any
instructions with the file.
How am I supposed to apply this fix for affected systems to my affected
system when the way in which this problem affects systems is to make them
unable to boot Vista?
This seems quite bizarre to me. It's like going to download WinZip and
finding the installer comes in a zip file
Any help would be appreciated - thanks in advance!
which means my system won't boot up at all.
I'm sure it's the hard disk containing Vista which has the problem. I do
have an XP installation on another disk if that is of any help by the way.
Anyway, I applied for the hotfix on that Knowledge Base article, where it
says "Apply this hotfix only to systems that are experiencing this specific
problem". Naturally I therefore assumed the hotfix would be usable by systems
experiencing the problem, e.g. by providing a bootable CD image that you
could boot up from in order to fix the $TxfLog file or whatever.
But no, when I downloaded the hotfix, I find I just have a single file,
Windows6.0-KB946084-x86.msu, which is apparently a sort of standalone Windows
Update file for use from within Vista. There is no documentation nor any
instructions with the file.
How am I supposed to apply this fix for affected systems to my affected
system when the way in which this problem affects systems is to make them
unable to boot Vista?
This seems quite bizarre to me. It's like going to download WinZip and
finding the installer comes in a zip file

Any help would be appreciated - thanks in advance!