System.Windows.Form - Unexpected Error

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve
  • Start date Start date


Hi out there...

I downloaded an Mobile 5.0 App program but the the developer's website is
shut down... so can't get any help from him. Hopefully, someone here can
point me in the right direction. One guy said it works on his phone but
it's erroring out on my iPAQ hx2495b.

One of the programs errors out with an "... unexpected error ..."
MissingMethodException for "System.Windows.Forms", version,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089.

I've downloaded a couple of .NET COMPACT FRAMEWORKs... v1.0 says "need newer
version", v2.0 w/WP2 gives above error and v3.0-3.5 does NOT sync to my
iPAQ. Am I on the right track? Isn't v3 supposed to sync over?

Thanks in advance for any/all help!!!
Steve (PPC newbie)
Did you reboot your device after installing .NET CF 2.0? After you install CF
2.0 reboot, then run \Windows\cagutil.exe to ensure CF 2.0 is in fact

There is no such thing as the CF 3.0. There is now CF 3.5. Installing CF 3.5
won't help you although the app should run against 3.5 but it seems it the
app was compiled against CF 2.0.
Hi Simon...

Just to make sure... I removed all "Frameworks" from my PC (XP w/SP2)...
hard reset my iPAQ (back to factory). Then:

1. Ran (on PC) NETCFSETUPV2.MSI (downloaded from MS)
2. It sync'd to iPAQ... I loaded to DEVICE (not storage card) and IT reset
the iPAQ. I pushed reset button just to make sure I followed your comments
3. I then loaded the App (from Storage Card) and loaded it to DEVICE
also... making a new folder under PROGRAM FILES. This half worked (as
4. Finally I loaded the App's File Converter program and it aborted. First
try I loaded "converter" from Storage Card; second time I copied into new
folder created (in 3 above).

Regardless I got the same error (from App's second converter program) saying
"... unexpected error ...", hitting DETAILS says MissingMethodException file
or assembly name System.Windows.Forms.

This app has ALL it's files dated 11May07 but I don't know if it was
compiled under v2 or v3... as I said, developer seems to have disappeared
but, in short email with another "user"... he says it worked outright on
whatever smartphone he has.

Sure would like to get this thing going... but I'm just not smart enough on
these little guys!
Thanks for your response and, hopefully, you (or someone) has more ideas to