When I try to defrag my hard drive it cycles between 0%
and 1% and never progresses beyond that. When I click on
details the screen is blank. This has worked fine in the
past and occured after I installed McAfee firewall and
virus scan. As part of that process I scanned for viruses
and found none but it listed 4 programs as being suspect
and questioned whether they were needed. I did not
recognize them and deleted them, then went to clean up my
system and encountered the defragementation program
problem. Don't know if they are related but thought they
could be. Unfortunately, I did not write down what I
and 1% and never progresses beyond that. When I click on
details the screen is blank. This has worked fine in the
past and occured after I installed McAfee firewall and
virus scan. As part of that process I scanned for viruses
and found none but it listed 4 programs as being suspect
and questioned whether they were needed. I did not
recognize them and deleted them, then went to clean up my
system and encountered the defragementation program
problem. Don't know if they are related but thought they
could be. Unfortunately, I did not write down what I