In the System.Uri class I do not understand the following properties
very well, and I suspect that they have not been implemented because
they yield static results on different input.
1. IsFile: Always returns false.
2. UserEscaped: I am not sure this property works either, or what it is
supposed to yield. This one totally escapes me, pun intended.
3. Fragment: Because I do not fully understand the UserEscaped
and because Fragment is supposed to return the escaped fragment of the
Uri, I am not sure I know what this means. Can someone please clarify
what this property is supposed to return?
Also, can someone at Microsoft confirm if the above mentioned four
properties have been implemented in v1.1?
very well, and I suspect that they have not been implemented because
they yield static results on different input.
1. IsFile: Always returns false.
2. UserEscaped: I am not sure this property works either, or what it is
supposed to yield. This one totally escapes me, pun intended.
3. Fragment: Because I do not fully understand the UserEscaped
and because Fragment is supposed to return the escaped fragment of the
Uri, I am not sure I know what this means. Can someone please clarify
what this property is supposed to return?
Also, can someone at Microsoft confirm if the above mentioned four
properties have been implemented in v1.1?