I code this to show to my boss that it is possible to rollback some parts of
an ADO transaction.
Dim strCon As String = "Data Source=Q09073\SQLEXPRESS;Initial
Catalog=Bank;Integrated Security=True;"
Dim oConn As New SqlConnection(strCon)
Dim IdClient As Integer
Dim IdBankAccount As Integer
Dim oTransaction As SqlTransaction = oConn.BeginTransaction()
For i s Integer = 1 To 5 'Clients
oTransaction.Save("Client" + i.ToString)
Dim oCommClient As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Client
(NameClient) VALUES ('Name" + i.ToString + "');SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS
[SCOPE_IDENTITY];", oConn, oTransaction)
IdClient = CInt(oCommClient.ExecuteScalar)
Dim oCommBankAccount As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO
BankAccount (IdClient, Amount) VALUES (" + IdClient.ToString + ", 100);SELECT
SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS [SCOPE_IDENTITY];", oConn, oTransaction)
IdBankAccount = CInt(oCommBankAccount .ExecuteScalar)
oTransaction.Save("transaction" + i.ToString)
Dim oCommOutput As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Transactions
( IdBankAccount , Type, Amount, DateTransaction) VALUES (" + IdBankAccount
..ToString + ", 'O', 20, '" + Now.ToString + "');", oConn, oTransaction)
oCommCompte.CommandText = "UPDATE BankAccount SET Amount =
Amount - 20 where IdBankAccount = " + IdBankAccount .ToString
Dim oCommCredit As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Transactions
( IdBankAccount, Type, Account, DateTransaction) VALUES (" +
IdBankAccount.ToString + ", 'C', 10, '" + Now.ToString + "')", oConn,
oCommCompte.CommandText = "UPDATE BankAccount SET Amount =
Amount + 10 where IdBankAccount = " + IdBankAccount .ToString
'I rollback client 3 with is transactions in is bank account
If i= 3 Then
oTransaction.Rollback("Client" + i.ToString)
End If
'I rollback the output and credit of client 5
If i= 5 Then
oTransaction.Rollback("transaction" + i.ToString)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
At the end I have this
Name1 with 90$
Name2 with 90$
Name4 with 90$
Name5 with 100$
It work perfectly but my boss want me to use System.Transactions
Is it possible to do this with the new System.Transactions in .NET 2.0? If
yes, where I can fond some good exemple?
an ADO transaction.
Dim strCon As String = "Data Source=Q09073\SQLEXPRESS;Initial
Catalog=Bank;Integrated Security=True;"
Dim oConn As New SqlConnection(strCon)
Dim IdClient As Integer
Dim IdBankAccount As Integer
Dim oTransaction As SqlTransaction = oConn.BeginTransaction()
For i s Integer = 1 To 5 'Clients
oTransaction.Save("Client" + i.ToString)
Dim oCommClient As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Client
(NameClient) VALUES ('Name" + i.ToString + "');SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS
[SCOPE_IDENTITY];", oConn, oTransaction)
IdClient = CInt(oCommClient.ExecuteScalar)
Dim oCommBankAccount As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO
BankAccount (IdClient, Amount) VALUES (" + IdClient.ToString + ", 100);SELECT
SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS [SCOPE_IDENTITY];", oConn, oTransaction)
IdBankAccount = CInt(oCommBankAccount .ExecuteScalar)
oTransaction.Save("transaction" + i.ToString)
Dim oCommOutput As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Transactions
( IdBankAccount , Type, Amount, DateTransaction) VALUES (" + IdBankAccount
..ToString + ", 'O', 20, '" + Now.ToString + "');", oConn, oTransaction)
oCommCompte.CommandText = "UPDATE BankAccount SET Amount =
Amount - 20 where IdBankAccount = " + IdBankAccount .ToString
Dim oCommCredit As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Transactions
( IdBankAccount, Type, Account, DateTransaction) VALUES (" +
IdBankAccount.ToString + ", 'C', 10, '" + Now.ToString + "')", oConn,
oCommCompte.CommandText = "UPDATE BankAccount SET Amount =
Amount + 10 where IdBankAccount = " + IdBankAccount .ToString
'I rollback client 3 with is transactions in is bank account
If i= 3 Then
oTransaction.Rollback("Client" + i.ToString)
End If
'I rollback the output and credit of client 5
If i= 5 Then
oTransaction.Rollback("transaction" + i.ToString)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
At the end I have this
Name1 with 90$
Name2 with 90$
Name4 with 90$
Name5 with 100$
It work perfectly but my boss want me to use System.Transactions
Is it possible to do this with the new System.Transactions in .NET 2.0? If
yes, where I can fond some good exemple?