Vasco Lohrenscheit
i can convert between the different string types (String constructor and
Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi), but have problems with endline '\n'.
It seems that System::String needs "\r\n" for newline, otherwise
multiple lines in Textbox fail. Is there a way to convert correct from
std::string or const char* with '\n' to System::String with "\r\n" and
back ?
Till now have to add and remove the '\r' by 'hand' when converting.
Isn't there a better way to handle this ?
i can convert between the different string types (String constructor and
Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi), but have problems with endline '\n'.
It seems that System::String needs "\r\n" for newline, otherwise
multiple lines in Textbox fail. Is there a way to convert correct from
std::string or const char* with '\n' to System::String with "\r\n" and
back ?
Till now have to add and remove the '\r' by 'hand' when converting.
Isn't there a better way to handle this ?