System slooooow to open files, please help!



Hi All,

I've got an odd problem that I hope someone out there has already
solved -- as of about a week ago, my Windows desktop (P4-2.8Ghz, 512MB
RAM, 2 x 7200 RPM drives, XP SP2) has started to open files VERY
slowly. It seems to be related to file associations, as I can launch
an application (IE, Outlook) very quickly and all operations are
normal... but when I try to double-click a file (ANY file: .txt, .zip,
..mp3...) the operation takes about 30 seconds to actually launch the
associated application. Also, when I right-click on a file associated
with an application, it takes equally long to display the context menu.
It seems to be affecting all file types...

I've scanned my system with Ad-aware, Spybot, -and- Norton
anti-virus... I had some little things that were cleaned up, but the
issue remains. I also tried rebuilding my icon cache in TweakUI. No

The only thing that I've changed about my system lately was a Microsoft
patch for some sort of "spyware removal tool" that showed up as a
critical update through Windows Update.

Anyone had / having the same problem??




The only thing that I've changed about my system lately was a Microsoft
patch for some sort of "spyware removal tool" that showed up as a
critical update through Windows Update.

On this page:

It clearly says that the anti-spyware application is BETA. It appears
that you chose to test this application and are now faced with the
results of such. Why did you install BETA ware to your primary pc? BETA
ware is for testing purposes only on test/evaluation pcs.


Hi All,

I've got an odd problem that I hope someone out there has already
solved -- as of about a week ago, my Windows desktop (P4-2.8Ghz, 512MB
RAM, 2 x 7200 RPM drives, XP SP2) has started to open files VERY
slowly. It seems to be related to file associations, as I can launch
an application (IE, Outlook) very quickly and all operations are
normal... but when I try to double-click a file (ANY file: .txt, .zip,
..mp3...) the operation takes about 30 seconds to actually launch the
associated application. Also, when I right-click on a file associated
with an application, it takes equally long to display the contex
It seems to be affecting all file types...

I've scanned my system with Ad-aware, Spybot, -and- Norton
anti-virus... I had some little things that were cleaned up, but the
issue remains. I also tried rebuilding my icon cache in TweakUI. No

The only thing that I've changed about my system lately was
patch for some sort of "spyware removal tool" that showed up as a
critical update through Windows Update.

Anyone had / having the same problem??



You could try uninstalling the spyware removal tool, cud be an issu
with the installation, also try running the disk defragmenter or som
third party defrag tool (which defrags the MFT and pagilg file if the
are cluttered too) , it wudnt hurt to clean out junk before that an
run chkdsk too. This may help solve the jerks and lags. Hope it helps

Richard in AZ

Spyware removal tool update has nothing to do with the Microsoft Antispyware
Beta software!
Please read the posting more carefully.


Hi All,

I've got an odd problem that I hope someone out there has already
solved -- as of about a week ago, my Windows desktop (P4-2.8Ghz, 512MB
RAM, 2 x 7200 RPM drives, XP SP2) has started to open files VERY
slowly. It seems to be related to file associations, as I can launch
an application (IE, Outlook) very quickly and all operations are
normal... but when I try to double-click a file (ANY file: .txt, .zip,
..mp3...) the operation takes about 30 seconds to actually launch the
associated application. Also, when I right-click on a file associated
with an application, it takes equally long to display the context menu.
It seems to be affecting all file types...

I've scanned my system with Ad-aware, Spybot, -and- Norton
anti-virus... I had some little things that were cleaned up, but the
issue remains. I also tried rebuilding my icon cache in TweakUI. No

The only thing that I've changed about my system lately was a Microsoft
patch for some sort of "spyware removal tool" that showed up as a
critical update through Windows Update.

Anyone had / having the same problem??


If what you installed was Malicious Software Removal Tool that's listed
in "Critical Updates," you should be able to uninstall it. You can
check in Windows Update where it gives you the option to Review your
update history.
If you're running up-to-date AdAware, Spybot, and Norton, you don't need it.


Richard said:
Spyware removal tool update has nothing to do with the Microsoft Antispyware
Beta software!
Please read the posting more carefully.

Ut Oh! Me made a boo boo.


Howdy all -- thanks for the helpful replies.

Just to clear things up, I mispoke originally and I did mean to say
that it was the "Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - September
2005 (KB890830)" critical update that I installed, not the Antispyware
beta product. Looking at the WindowsUpdate history, it seems that I
also installed the "Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool
(KB892130)" update at the same time.

Neither of these shows up in my Start menu, nor my Control Panel "Add /
Remove Programs" applet. When I click the "show updates" check box and
sort by date, the updates listed only show through a month ago, no sign
of the two I'm actually interested in. I looked up both updates in the
Microsoft kb for special use / removal instructions and the only thing
of value that I found was that the Genuine Advantage Validation Tool
cannot be removed.

So, I still have no idea what's going on with my system -- I'm sure
it's not something to do with fragmentation; I use Diskeeper on a
regular basis, and as I noted in my original post, the system's
performance is great, EXCEPT when I try to open a file that's
associated with an application. The actual application launching is as
quick as I would normally expect.

Any additional thoughts or suggestions would be very much appreciated.



\old\ devildog

| Howdy all -- thanks for the helpful replies.
| Just to clear things up, I mispoke originally and I did mean to say
| that it was the "Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - September
| 2005 (KB890830)" critical update that I installed, not the Antispyware
| beta product. Looking at the WindowsUpdate history, it seems that I
| also installed the "Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool
| (KB892130)" update at the same time.
| Neither of these shows up in my Start menu, nor my Control Panel "Add /
| Remove Programs" applet. When I click the "show updates" check box and
| sort by date, the updates listed only show through a month ago, no sign
| of the two I'm actually interested in. I looked up both updates in the
| Microsoft kb for special use / removal instructions and the only thing
| of value that I found was that the Genuine Advantage Validation Tool
| cannot be removed.
| So, I still have no idea what's going on with my system -- I'm sure
| it's not something to do with fragmentation; I use Diskeeper on a
| regular basis, and as I noted in my original post, the system's
| performance is great, EXCEPT when I try to open a file that's
| associated with an application. The actual application launching is as
| quick as I would normally expect.
| Any additional thoughts or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
| Regards,
| Michael

Could be that your anti-virus software is running in "real time". This can
slow down app and file loading.
How much RAM do you have installed? Not enough RAM can slow down loading of
both apps and files.
Low memory mixed with the anti-virus scan can cause a very real slow down in
Most "name brand"computers sold by the "name brand" computer stores, only
have the minimum needed to work with XP. Most of the time adding more memory
will increase load speed.
Also check your task manager. Sometimes too many processes loading at
start-up can slow down over all operation of the machine.
The Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, uninstalls itself after it is
run. So you will not find it in the 'Add/Remove" list.
The Genuine Advantage Validation Tool, as you found out is locked there.
Neither one of these are the cause of the slow loading problem.

"old' devildog
-- Semper Fi --
I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Got Old.

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