
  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Hill
  • Start date Start date

Robert Hill

I have recently installed .Net Framework 1.1 and opened my
project with .Net 2003 to move it up to the .Net Framework
1.1. In doing so, I no longer point to the executable on
another machine and have it run on my machine. I can run
the exe from a directory on my machine as well as the
project in my development environment but as soon as I try
and run the exe by pointing to it on the other machine I
get the following error:


Any Suggestions???

I have isolated the probelm to the following code:

If UBound(Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName _
(Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess.ProcessName)) > 0
Return True
Return False
End If

Please Help.....
..NET automatically applies some security policies as soon
as you run an executable. If the exe does not reside on
you machine, .NET does not know whether it comes from a
place you trust or not.

You can use the Microsoft .NET FrameWork Configuration
tool to indicate that locations are trusted or not.

The following article might give you an idea of how to
add the other computer in your network as trusted
location. (This article is about auto-deployment so a lot
of it might not be interesting to you, but pages 2-5
might shed some light on this security deal.)