system restore



I did a System Restore on my puter and after I did it would not restart, all
it does is go to the Windows screen and then the next that has the F2 and F12
and goes back to the Windows screen and does this over and over. Any ideas
as to what is wrong?

Bert Kinney

Hi Don,

Can you boot to Safe Mode? Boot, hitting F8 as BIOS info goes to
black to get the Menu and take Safe Mode.


Hi Bert,
I tried that the first thing using safe mode and it would not work. I
then went back in used the f12 key and tried starting using the selection
that lets you use the most recent point where Windows last started, that did
not work either. I'll try this other option you advise later, I'm using my
laptop now and probably won't get to it till later on this evening.

Thanks, Don

Bert Kinney said:
Hi Don,

Can you boot to Safe Mode? Boot, hitting F8 as BIOS info goes to
black to get the Menu and take Safe Mode.

Bert Kinney [MS-MVP DTS]
I did a System Restore on my puter and after I did it
would not restart, all it does is go to the Windows
screen and then the next that has the F2 and F12 and goes
back to the Windows screen and does this over and over.
Any ideas as to what is wrong?


Tried again using F8 in the safe mode and had no luck and then I restarted
and went back in and in the list there was the selection "reboot", I tried
that also and it did not get it to start also. All it does is go back and
switch back and forth as I stated in my original post.

Don said:
Hi Bert,
I tried that the first thing using safe mode and it would not work. I
then went back in used the f12 key and tried starting using the selection
that lets you use the most recent point where Windows last started, that did
not work either. I'll try this other option you advise later, I'm using my
laptop now and probably won't get to it till later on this evening.

Thanks, Don

Bert Kinney said:
Hi Don,

Can you boot to Safe Mode? Boot, hitting F8 as BIOS info goes to
black to get the Menu and take Safe Mode.

Bert Kinney [MS-MVP DTS]
I did a System Restore on my puter and after I did it
would not restart, all it does is go to the Windows
screen and then the next that has the F2 and F12 and goes
back to the Windows screen and does this over and over.
Any ideas as to what is wrong?

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