The last 2 times I have used System Restore there have only been a few very
recent dates. If I remember correctly there used to be several months of
dates to return to. There is plenty of HDD space. How can I correct this.
There's nothing to correct. It isn't the total hard space available,
rather how much is set aside for System Restore. You really only need
your last system restore point or a most two or three if you feel
unlucky or your system isn't stable. Keeping dozens of Restore Points
is pointless, wasteful of hard drive space and redundant. Vista will
delete older restore points automatically as the space fills up.
If you must fiddle you can change things from a command prompt.
Generally Vista wants up to 15% of the partition for this purpose. You
can make it less or more but there is no logical reason to mess with
the default settings.
Let's say you want to set aside 4GB for System Restore.
Type in exactly as shown below including spaces.
vssadmin resize shadowstorage /For=C: /On=C: /MaxSize=4GB
To learn more type only 'vssadmin' to see all options and syntax.
To see your current configuration type:
vssadmin List Shadows