system restore?



hi can ahyone help i unistalled some software and reinstalled it now my pc
wont start up unless i start in safe mode i would do a system restore but it
was turned off wen my pc went wrong anyone know how to turn system restore
without starting in normal mode PLEASE HELP


Eddie BumCrack said:
hi can ahyone help i unistalled some software and reinstalled it now my pc
wont start up unless i start in safe mode i would do a system restore but
was turned off wen my pc went wrong anyone know how to turn system restore
without starting in normal mode PLEASE HELP

System Restore is invoked in the same way in Safe Mode
as in Normal Mode. Click Start / Help and look for help
on System Restore if unsure how to do this.

Try adding some punctuation to your next post. It makes
them a lot more readable compared to the above heap
of spaghetti.


hi can ahyone help i unistalled some software and reinstalled it now my pc
wont start up unless i start in safe mode i would do a system restore but
was turned off wen my pc went wrong anyone know how to turn system restore
without starting in normal mode PLEASE HELP

If System restore was turned off at the time of this issue, then it won't
run in safe mode. Accessing system restore is the same in safe mode as in
normal mode.


You write "it can turn it on in safe mode". Please quote the
exact message you see, word by word, instead of your own
interpretation. This is essential, same as punctuation!


it does not give any message,When i uninstalled the software and reinstalled
it my pc restarted got past the windows start thing and just stayed blank but
it will start up in safe mode,like i said there was'nt a message.And i cant
do a system restore cause it was turned of when this happened,also i dont
have any xp disc as it was preloaded on the pc when i brought it and the
company has since gone bust ,hope thats a better explanation of the problem.


I gather from your reply that you cannot run System
Restore because it was not turned on. This, of course,
has nothing to do with Safe Mode / Normal Mode.

I can see these options for you:

- Restore the machine to its factory condition. Every
machine is sold either with a WinXP CD or with a
factory restore facility. You must read the manual that
came with your PC in order to find out how to invoke
the factory restore tool.

- Buy a copy of Windows XP and perform a full installation.
You will also have to re-install all applications.

In both cases you must make sure to back up your important
files first - you might lose the lot. Post again if you don't know
how to do this.


i can only start my pc in safe mode is wat im saying and i cant do a system
restore because it is turned off and you cant turn it on was what i wa s
trying to say try reading properly tbh

Bill Sharpe

Eddie said:
i can only start my pc in safe mode is wat im saying and i cant do a system
restore because it is turned off and you cant turn it on was what i wa s
trying to say try reading properly tbh
1. Please find and use the shift and punctuation keys on your keyboard.
2. Pay attention to Pegasus' suggestions. The first one won't cost you
any money.
3. As Bert pointed out, System Restore won't help at this point.


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