System Restore



My computer got infected with a virus at beginning of the
week. I used my anti-virus software to get rid of it.
It said it did, but I still get the message to run my
anti-virus program to get rid of this virus. So I
thought I would try and restore my computer back to a
date last week before I got the virus and to retrieve a
document I deleted. I am unable to restore past
yesterday 3/31/04. Can anyone tell me why? My mother
also has windows XP and she can restore back well over a
week. Please help. I'm sick of getting this error
message. I've only had this computer 3 weeks. Thanks.

Rocket J. Squirrel

It's possible that earlier restore points were corrupted by the virus. In
any case, once a restore point has become corrupted it cannot be repaired.

Did you know that system restore does not restore deleted documents? System
Restore does not backup user files (documents, spreadsheets, pictures,
etc.) - that is not its purpose.

The first thing you must do is to set your antivirus program to run in the
background at all times. Also make sure that your antivirus program starts
whenever Windows starts. You must also update your virus definitions
frequently, at least every week. Attend to your antivirus program first, so
you won't become infected again.

The next thing to do is to delete all restore points and start with a fresh
restore point. You do this by turning off system restore and then turning it
on again. You can reboot your computer after turning system restore off, if
you want extra assurance.

Lastly, it's time to start backing up all your important information
regularly. Windows XP has a basic backup program included. For more
sophisticated backup you will need third party software. Remember: Backup is
your best friend.

"Backup Made Easy"

If you're new to Windows XP, you would do yourself a great favor by letting
the experts at Microsoft help you learn to use Windows to best advantage.
You could start here:

"Using Windows XP"



If your mother uses her computer less often than you, her restore points
will go back further. Also, various things you do to your computer can
wipe out system restore points, and these activities include a full
anti-virus scan, at least by some anti-virus utilities.

Don't rely excessively on system restore, because it isn't terribly robust
and it will never do exactly what you want. It will revive some settings
you might have wanted to be rid off; most importantly, it wil not restore
your data files, such as the document you deleted!

In your case the problem is the misbehavior of your virus scanner, and
that's where you should direct your attention, not to the system. If you
have technical support with the virus checker, use it. You can always try
uninstalling it and reinstalling. Since it is a mere program, not your
system or system state, that should be free of complications with most
virus checkers. There are a few exceptions where reinstallation can be
problematic, such as Norton Anti-Virus 2003 or 2002. If you have one of
these and need to uninstall, you might need to clean up the previous
installation with a special utility Symantec has.

If the problem continues, please indicate which virus checker you are
using. Someone might know something useful to you about the particular



You can restore system in safe mode. Press F8 after start
up and choose safe mode.
Good luck

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