System Restore will turn back on



My system restore will not turn back on
I did have the sasser virus but was unaware of this and tried to do a system restore (three times) each time system was ok for one dial up. (Windows XP Home Edition). Was able to get the worm removed, found .exe files would not run. Windows cannot fine prog file..... Went into the regedit file at safe mode and was able to find that the Hkey-Local-Machine\Software\Classes\exefile\shell\open\Command was showing c:\Windows\Ssytem32\realupd.exe"-run"%1"%* I went ahead and change it to be "1%"%" and did get the ability to open .exe files again, but My properties are grayed out in Control Panel and other main programs as well as it will not allow me to open system restore to turn it on. I get a message that says it's off but when I click it to turn on it never does. Help!

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

In between the System Restore point that worked and when you got the Sasser
worm, did you install Real Player.... because it's looking for the updater
for Real Player. If you have Real Player on your PC, you might want to try
reinstalling it.

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