Windows XP System restore - Error '0xC000007F'

Oct 28, 2010
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I tried to restore my system to an earlier point and found that I only have a system restore point from earlier today, and none before.

Th event log shows a bunch of failed "sr" events, with the same message:

The System Restore filter encountered the unexpected error '0xC000007F'
while processing the file 'somefile' on the volume 'HarddiskVolume3'. It
has stopped monitoring the volume.

There is also a bunch of the SRservice events, all the same:

The System Restore service has resumed monitoring due to space freed on the
system drive.

I am running the latest XP OS, all updates automatic. There is 90 GB free space on my drive, and has always been. Volume 3 is my system drive (Volume 1 is the Toshiba restore partition, and Volume 2 is my USB backup). "somefile" changes from day to day, otherwise the diagnostic is exactly the same.

I run McAffee AV and Zone Alarm.

Any idea what may be causing this problem?

Thanks a lot!