Message: System restore has been turned off by group policy.To turn on system restore,contact your domain administrator.
xp-home edition
Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator is the message I get when I tried the fix that was posted previously. Help please.
FYI- I have scanned for spyware and get these:
addclicker Adp low to high trojan
silkydr DNB low to high Trojan
hatigh C low to high Trojan
fakealert low to high Trojan
After quarantine and deleting they appear again within a few minutes.
Any suggestions?
xp-home edition
Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator is the message I get when I tried the fix that was posted previously. Help please.
FYI- I have scanned for spyware and get these:
addclicker Adp low to high trojan
silkydr DNB low to high Trojan
hatigh C low to high Trojan
fakealert low to high Trojan
After quarantine and deleting they appear again within a few minutes.
Any suggestions?