Access System Restore cannot access it


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
This morning, just to be nosy really, I tried to open "System Restore" in Vista. I wanted to check on when the last restore points were made.

All I could get was a message which said: "! The System Restore wizard is already running. This program will now exit."

So - still none the wiser about restore-dates. :rolleyes: I know I'm fortunate in not needing to carry out a system restore over the past year or so ... but must confess to feeling a tad confused now.

Can anyone throw a light on this please ... even a slightly dim torch-beam would do :D
Hmmm..... I went into System Restore via System and Maintenance > Backup and Restore Centre > Repair Windows using System Restore. At first I got the same message as you did but after about 30 seconds it changed to the "correct" window, Restore System Files and Settings.

Maybe you just have to wait. :confused:
I was accessing SR via the search function - but going via Control Panel > Backup and Restore > Create a restore point, I was able to see the info I needed. (That a restore point had been created yesterday.)

Thanks Niv :thumb: ... that will teach me to take short-cuts!! Lol
Wow V_R!! That's definitely interesting... mine is using 55.891 GB! I'm not actually short on HD space, but worth remembering if I ever need to free up some space :thumb:
55Gig!!!!!??????? :eek:

OMG. My music folder is slightly less than that! lol

My GF's lappy was using ~30gb! i used the above to limit it to 3gb, thats still more than enough IMO. :)
Just checked mine out. Using 43 Gig. :eek: Just what's in there that needs that amount of space? Got lots of free space so I'll take their advice and leave well alone.