System Restarted suddenly

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paulo
  • Start date Start date


I was using the Windows XP Pro SP2 today and suddenly the machine restarted,
it has already happened 5 times in 1 month...

The event log:

Código de erro 0000004e, parâmetro1 00000099, parâmetro2 00000000,
parâmetro3 00000000, parâmetro4 00000000.

What can be the problem ?

thanks in advance
Sounds like a bad driver or driver corruption.



Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

|I was using the Windows XP Pro SP2 today and suddenly the machine
| it has already happened 5 times in 1 month...
| The event log:
| Código de erro 0000004e, parâmetro1 00000099, parâmetro2 00000000,
| parâmetro3 00000000, parâmetro4 00000000.
| What can be the problem ?
| thanks in advance
I have been experiencing the same thing with my Win XP pro sp2. It started
about 4 or so weeks ago. Sometimes it will restart once every few days, but
the last few days seems to be arbitrarily restarting multiple times a day.
Has anyone else exerienced this problem? Is there some issue that has arisen
with XP pro?

Sounds like a reasonable possibility. I'm not very software oriented. How can
I go about tracking down which driver might be the culprit? Is there some
kind of diagnostic test I can run to locate corrupted drivers?

Please do not post you're problem in the middle of a thread that someone
else has started. This makes it very difficult to keep the replys focused on
who is having what problem.

You're problem is "similar" to the problem that Paulo is having, but not
exactly the same thing.

Please start a new thread describing the problem you are having.

Today were 2 restarts, what is a dump file? and what is your utility? if
there is any...

Bellow a copy and paste a part of mine dmp file that can be found

Inc. 0219 11/03/2005   System manufacturer
System Product Name System Version  ASUSTeK
Computer Inc. A8V Rev 1.xx  f Chassis
Manufacture Chassis Version #
fò ÿû<È ` ~A  ÿÿSocket 939 AMD AMD Athlon(tm)
64 Processor 3500+
To Be Filled By O.E.M.  ?? ?   L1-Cache     
L2-Cache  <
<    @ DIMM0   @ DIMM1 
ÿ   DIMM2  ÿ   DIMM4   PS/2 Mouse PS/2 Mouse 
PS/2 Keyboard PS/2 Keyboard    USB1 USB1    USB2 USB2   
USB3 USB3    USB4 USB4    USB5 USB5    USB6 USB6 
  USB7 USB7    USB8 USB8    LPT1 LPT 1    Audio
Mic In Audio Mic In    Audio Line In Audio Line In    Audio
Line Out Audio Line Out    Audio Center Audio Center    Audio
Side Surround Audio Side surround    Audio Back Surround Audio Back
surround     LAN LAN     COM 1 COM 1     MIDI MIDI  
 Joy Stick Joy Stick  !  AUX  "  CD  #  ÿPRI_IDE  $ 
ÿSEC_IDE  %  ÿFLOPPY  & ÿ ÿCHA_FAN  ' ÿ ÿCPU_FAN  ( ÿ ÿMAIN
POWER  ) ÿ ÿATXPWR  * ÿ ÿFP_AUDIO  + ÿ ÿSATA1  , ÿ ÿSATA2
 - ÿ ÿPWR_FAN
..  AGP
/  PCI1
0  PCI2
1  PCI3
2  PCI4
3  PCI5
4 f To Be Filled By O.E.M. 5 To Be Filled By O.E.M. To Be Filled By
O.E.M. To Be Filled By O.E.M. To Be Filled By O.E.M.
6 ÿ en|US|iso8859-1 de|DE|iso8859-1 fr|FR|iso8859-1 7
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Manufacturer0 PartNum0 : ÿÿ 9 8  ; 7 þÿH
@  ? DIMM1 BANK1 Manufacturer1 PartNum1
<  ÿÿ ; 8  = 7 þÿÿÿÿÿ  DIMM2 BANK2 Manufacturer2
PartNum2 ~> = 8  ? 7 þÿÿÿÿÿ  DIMM3 BANK3
Manufacturer3 PartNum3 ~@ ? 8  A
µlö à

~ M H z   s , C o m p o n e n t I n f o r m a t i o n 
  & C o n f i g u r a t i o n D a t a 
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ  I d e n t i f i e r  D x 8 6 F a m i l y 1 5
M o d e l 4 7 S t e p p i n g 2 ( P r o c e s s o r N a m e S t r
i n g  D A M D A t h l o n ( t m ) 6 4 P r o c e s s o r 3 5
0 0 +  U p d a t e S t a t u s    " V e n d o r I d e n
t i f i e r   A u t h e n t i c A M D
Cervino said:
I have been experiencing the same thing with my Win XP pro sp2. It
started about 4 or so weeks ago. Sometimes it will restart once every
few days, but the last few days seems to be arbitrarily restarting
multiple times a day.

You are presumably blue-screening, and you are set to reboot whenever that
happens. Right-click My Computer, and choose Properties. On the Advanced
tab, click Settings under Startup and Recovery. Under System failure,
uncheck the box "Automatically restart.

Now when the problem occurs again, instead of restarting, you will get the
blue screen with diagnostic information. Post back with those details for
more help.

Has anyone else exerienced this problem?

Many people have.

Is there some issue that has arisen with XP pro?

It's far more like to be a hardware issue.