System reboots

May 1, 2011
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I am having two HDDs in my pc. One is IDE (80GB) and the second one is SATA(160GB). The system boots with the IDE and is having windows xp. As the SATA drive developed bad clusters and it is in warranty I want to replace it.

But when I remove SATA drive from the system and try to reboot it gives the screen with options safemode, start normally, without networking, last known good configuraton etc. I tried all the options but its start rebooting and displaying the above said screen (it is not booting it continuously starts rebboting). When I add the SATA drive back to the system with out any problem XP boots.

I dont know how to remove the SATA drive and go for warranty replacement because of the above said problem.

Please help me to get rid of this problem so that I can go for a replacement of the SATA.

Thanking you.
If you remove the SATA drive and the issue continues I would suggest testing the 80gig aswell as it maybe that which is faulty not the SATA drive

Enter the BIOS screen and disable SATA settings, Ssve then close down

Remove SATA drive and reboot

see what happens
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Thanks for the reply. It didnt solved the problem. Is there any other way to get rid from this.

It looks as though there's something on the SATA drive Windows wants when it boots.

AFAIK that should not be so unless something nasty has ingrained itself there.

Try starting in safe mode and running full AV & Malware checks.

Suitable free software is listed Here
what is the motherboard?

are you sure the operating system is NOT installed on the SATA drive ?
