system pauses at regular interval, for about three seconds.



hello everyone,
my windows xp professional, pauses for about three to four seconds, at regular intervals especially when playing movies with media palyer 9. it also pause, every time i type for the some amount of time.
could it be a case of more RAM needed, or that my hard drive needs to be checked. i got a 20 gb hard drive, with 184 RAM.
any work around suggestion would welcome.


Try turning off your Anit-Virus engine for a period of
time. It may be that when it does a realtime scan that
the CPU usage goes to max for a couple of seconds. WHen
this happens, all other stuff halts.
-----Original Message-----
hello everyone,
my windows xp professional, pauses for about three to
four seconds, at regular intervals especially when
playing movies with media palyer 9. it also pause, every
time i type for the some amount of time.
could it be a case of more RAM needed, or that my hard
drive needs to be checked. i got a 20 gb hard drive,
with 184 RAM.

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