The 2.0 Framework has a new type called System.Nullable. This allows
something to Not exist, basically you can pass 'Nothing' to a method whose
parameters as System.Nullable.
Im looking at table adapters ; you know those clever little things which
allow you to contrsuct methods for manipulating data use this. So a method
might be declared someting like this.
Private Sub myMethod(ByVal myYear As System.Nullable(Of Integer), ByVal
myweek As System.Nullable(Of Integer))
End Sub
My question is. How to I translate this into a practical method call for a
value which may or may not exits. Lets say we have two text boxes.
yearTextBox and weekTextBox.
How to I assign an integer value or nothing depending on if the box is
emtpy, because you cant assign nothing to an integer. I dont want multiple
call lines to the one method, just one.
something to Not exist, basically you can pass 'Nothing' to a method whose
parameters as System.Nullable.
Im looking at table adapters ; you know those clever little things which
allow you to contrsuct methods for manipulating data use this. So a method
might be declared someting like this.
Private Sub myMethod(ByVal myYear As System.Nullable(Of Integer), ByVal
myweek As System.Nullable(Of Integer))
End Sub
My question is. How to I translate this into a practical method call for a
value which may or may not exits. Lets say we have two text boxes.
yearTextBox and weekTextBox.
How to I assign an integer value or nothing depending on if the box is
emtpy, because you cant assign nothing to an integer. I dont want multiple
call lines to the one method, just one.