Really i didn't test it on installed SP2, and I already try to parse
on case with IP .
It's very very strange why in CF so many bugs (Is this really MS product?
I willl not test it on SP2 now. I'm not QA manger - i'm developer.
So at the first i develope working code for CF without SP,
than I try to test it on SP1 and SP2 (There were situations, when it
new exceptions on SP2, for example without SP readonly file attribute is
ignored, but on SP2 code which try modify these files throws exception).
Really, problem with IP resolving wasn't big for me - just it was very
But in case when i have use HttpWebRequest & HttpWebResponse (please see
question without answers "Locking web server after 2nd wrong
which was posted at 27 dec.) it trouble was big for project terms. I lost
days because i tried to find out solution and than have develope own http
client routine based on sockets.
I hope that in new year The Mobile World will get a stable CF. I know that
you can do it.
Happy New Year!
Best regards,
Paul G. Tobey said:
Make sure that you're using SP2 on the device and try it there. There is
also a thread from a while back concerning this and it may still be true:
Paul T.
Gen said:
realy there is uri.Host (type is string), "" - this is real
my local network this is Axis camera IP, my PC IP address in network is
different of course.
i have tested it only on emulator (Pocket PC 2003), CF without SP,
Also I have test it on another web server when i put there "shlang"
a name of PC in my local network which has IP all works,
when i put string "" it is throws exception.
P.S. can you help me with question "27 Dec" "Locking web server...." ?
[eMVP]" wrote:
Can you print exactly what you are passing in that parameter?
Paul T.
Hi all,
Why this functions throws exception "No such host is known" on
contains IP address?
Best regards,