Hey all! We have Access97 databases that are secured using a single
system.mdw file on our network. Multiple databases on our network have been
secured by different people over the years and some have left the company
etc. Now, we're trying to get a list of databases and their locations that
use this system.mdw file so we can upgrade them to SQL apps. I opened the
system.mdw file and the AccessPermissions table and I see some network paths
to some access database, but it seems all those databases have been moved or
deleted because they no longer exist at those locations. All the other
records have other characters in it which is useless to me. Is there a
utility to pull this info from system.mdw or another way to extract/find that
info? Only other option is to move the system.mdw file and see who calls the
Help Desk ;-) We'd like to avoid this if possible for obvious reasons.
system.mdw file on our network. Multiple databases on our network have been
secured by different people over the years and some have left the company
etc. Now, we're trying to get a list of databases and their locations that
use this system.mdw file so we can upgrade them to SQL apps. I opened the
system.mdw file and the AccessPermissions table and I see some network paths
to some access database, but it seems all those databases have been moved or
deleted because they no longer exist at those locations. All the other
records have other characters in it which is useless to me. Is there a
utility to pull this info from system.mdw or another way to extract/find that
info? Only other option is to move the system.mdw file and see who calls the
Help Desk ;-) We'd like to avoid this if possible for obvious reasons.