I'm trying to erase SMS_Collection Rules using VB.NET 2003...
I did that with WbemScripting, but now I need to do it with
My problem is that with System.Management I cannot get directly the item
without enumerating a bunch of them (as I know)...
How can I do this...
Collection = Server.Get("SMS_Collection='" & CollectionID & "'")
With System.Management
The only way I know is doing a For Each of what is being returned from
something like...
Private Function GetObjects(ByVal Query As String) As
Dim SMSObject As ManagementObject
Dim SMSSearcher As ManagementObjectSearcher
Dim SMSQuery As ManagementQuery
SMSQuery = New WqlObjectQuery(Query)
SMSSearcher = New ManagementObjectSearcher(SMSScope, SMSQuery)
Return SMSSearcher.Get
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
So here is my code for WbemScripting...
Private Locator As SWbemLocator
Private Server As SWbemServices
Public SMSMainSite As String
Public Function Connect(ByVal SMSServer As String) As Boolean
Locator = New SWbemLocator
Server = Locator.ConnectServer(SMSServer, "root\sms")
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
Dim Sites As SWbemObjectSet
Dim Site As SWbemObject
Sites = Server.ExecQuery("Select SiteCode From
SMS_ProviderLocation Where ProviderForLocalSite=True")
For Each Site In Sites
SMSMainSite = Site.SiteCode
Server = Locator.ConnectServer(SMSServer, "root\sms\site_" &
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
Return True
End Function
Public Function DeleteCollectionRules(ByVal CollectionID As String) As Boolean
Dim Collection As SWbemObject
Dim Prop As SWbemProperty
Dim Rules() As Object
Dim Method As SWbemMethod
Dim Parameters As SWbemObject
Collection = Server.Get("SMS_Collection='" & CollectionID & "'")
Prop = Collection.Properties_.Item("CollectionRules")
If Not Prop.Value Is System.DBNull.Value Then Rules = Prop.Value
If Not IsNothing(Rules) Then
Method = Collection.Methods_.Item("DeleteMembershipRules")
Parameters = Method.InParameters.SpawnInstance_
Parameters.Properties_.Item("collectionRules").Value = Rules
Collection.ExecMethod_("DeleteMembershipRules", Parameters)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
Return True
End Function
I'm trying to erase SMS_Collection Rules using VB.NET 2003...
I did that with WbemScripting, but now I need to do it with
My problem is that with System.Management I cannot get directly the item
without enumerating a bunch of them (as I know)...
How can I do this...
Collection = Server.Get("SMS_Collection='" & CollectionID & "'")
With System.Management
The only way I know is doing a For Each of what is being returned from
something like...
Private Function GetObjects(ByVal Query As String) As
Dim SMSObject As ManagementObject
Dim SMSSearcher As ManagementObjectSearcher
Dim SMSQuery As ManagementQuery
SMSQuery = New WqlObjectQuery(Query)
SMSSearcher = New ManagementObjectSearcher(SMSScope, SMSQuery)
Return SMSSearcher.Get
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
So here is my code for WbemScripting...
Private Locator As SWbemLocator
Private Server As SWbemServices
Public SMSMainSite As String
Public Function Connect(ByVal SMSServer As String) As Boolean
Locator = New SWbemLocator
Server = Locator.ConnectServer(SMSServer, "root\sms")
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
Dim Sites As SWbemObjectSet
Dim Site As SWbemObject
Sites = Server.ExecQuery("Select SiteCode From
SMS_ProviderLocation Where ProviderForLocalSite=True")
For Each Site In Sites
SMSMainSite = Site.SiteCode
Server = Locator.ConnectServer(SMSServer, "root\sms\site_" &
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
Return True
End Function
Public Function DeleteCollectionRules(ByVal CollectionID As String) As Boolean
Dim Collection As SWbemObject
Dim Prop As SWbemProperty
Dim Rules() As Object
Dim Method As SWbemMethod
Dim Parameters As SWbemObject
Collection = Server.Get("SMS_Collection='" & CollectionID & "'")
Prop = Collection.Properties_.Item("CollectionRules")
If Not Prop.Value Is System.DBNull.Value Then Rules = Prop.Value
If Not IsNothing(Rules) Then
Method = Collection.Methods_.Item("DeleteMembershipRules")
Parameters = Method.InParameters.SpawnInstance_
Parameters.Properties_.Item("collectionRules").Value = Rules
Collection.ExecMethod_("DeleteMembershipRules", Parameters)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
Return True
End Function