system tools-system information-internet settings-connectivity. scrolled down
to name server addresses primary dns 85.255.xxx.xx secondary dns
85.255.xxx.xx went to control panel-network connections-tcp/ip
properties. both ip and dns server addresses obtain auto checked. advanced
tcp/ip settings dns server addresses are blank. i was hijacked 3 yrs ago.
the good folks at hijackthis helped me clean my machine. i have xp,sp2,ie6,
dsl. my machine is clean and working great. i don't understand how these
addresses are showing up in system information . these addresses were the
rouge varmits that were causing all the redirects. how do i remove these
from system info. thanks
to name server addresses primary dns 85.255.xxx.xx secondary dns
85.255.xxx.xx went to control panel-network connections-tcp/ip
properties. both ip and dns server addresses obtain auto checked. advanced
tcp/ip settings dns server addresses are blank. i was hijacked 3 yrs ago.
the good folks at hijackthis helped me clean my machine. i have xp,sp2,ie6,
dsl. my machine is clean and working great. i don't understand how these
addresses are showing up in system information . these addresses were the
rouge varmits that were causing all the redirects. how do i remove these
from system info. thanks