Microsoft Help & Support Center has encounter a problem & needs to close. We
are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you were in the middle of something,the information you were wrking on
might be lost.
Please tell Microsoft about this probelm
We have created a error report that you can send to help us improve
Mircosoft Help & support. We will treat this report as confidental and
anonymous . To see this error report contains , Click here
Debug , Send error report , dont send << are my options
Is what the thing says , but i cant reinstal my windows xp because it came
- Show quoted text -
Try re-installing the Help and Support Center. The following looks
complicated, but just take it one line at a time.
Reinstall Help and Support
Step I - Stop Help and Support services
Open the Task Manager with Ctrl+Alt+Del
Click the Processes tab. Click on 'Image Name' at the top of the list
to put the listing in alphabetical order.
Stop any or all of the following processes, if the are listed, by
right-clicking on each and selecting 'Kill Process':
Step 2 - Reinstall Help and Support
Go to Start => Run and type in cmd
In the window that opens, type in the following lines and press Enter
after each line:
(If you don't want to type them, you could copy each line in turn, and
right-click at the command prompt and select Paste.)
You'll have to be careful that you have all the spaces entered
correctly. In case you have trouble, in the version below the dotted
lines, I've put an astersisk (*) in each place where you have to enter
a space. Maybe this is a two-person job - one to read and one to type.
Of course, you don't type in these asterisks, just enter a space.
net stop helpsvc
cd /d %windir%\pchealth\helpctr
rd packagestore /s /q
rd installedskus /s /q
cd binaries
start /w helpsvc /svchost netsvcs /regserver /install
start /w helpsvc /register